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<ivmarkov[m]> <PeterKrull[m]> "No, its fine! I want to consider..." <- To share my (limited) experience (not sure that would help or bring more confusion, but oh well):... (full message at <>)
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<MariusKriegerows> Hey folks,
<MariusKriegerows> I tried optimizing for size as described in When I run cargo size --bin myapp -- -A as described, I'm getting error: Failed to parse crate metadata. What is can be causes for this error? How can I debug that?
<JamesMunns[m]> What does cargo build --bin myapp say? Does it build correctly?
<JamesMunns[m]> also, note that you also need to pass --release to size if you want it to be optimized, e.g. cargo size --bin myapp --release -- -A
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<dav1d> Anyone know how I am supposed to set the internal pull up with esp-hal? - This used to just work, now it needs private::Internal ... which I assume is so I can't call it, but then how am I supposed to use it?
<JamesMunns[m]> Might be worth asking in if you don't get a response here
<dav1d> Thanks, gotta figure out the matrix stuff first, iirc it's not bridged to libera :(
<GrantM11235[m]> Are you trying to use it as an open drain output? I think this is what you want
<dav1d> GrantM11235[m], thanks that could be it, there is also RtcPinWithResistors which seems to provide that
<dav1d> Seems like I have the same issue with `connect_input_to_peripheral_with_options` now. Trying to update this code
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<danielb[m]> What are you trying to do?
<danielb[m]> Ah nevermind i see
<dav1d> By coincidence I saw the owner was active in the rust channel on liberal, they're gonna look into updating it \o/
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<NiaLinaLunaStorm> I am writing firmware rn for a device of which I expect multiple to be connected at the same time so to make it clear which is which, I wanna give it its own PID and product name on the USB...... (full message at <>)
<NiaLinaLunaStorm> any idea what I'm doing wrong?
K900 has joined #rust-embedded
<K900> `serial_number` is _right there_
<K900> You probably want to vary that
<K900> And by probably I mean definitely
<GrantM11235[m]> <NiaLinaLunaStorm> "I am writing firmware rn for a..." <- > <> I am writing firmware rn for a device of which I expect multiple to be connected at the same time so to make it clear which is which, I wanna give it its own PID and product name on the USB...... (full message at <>)
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<nandnor[m]> Yea looks like the type of usb_dev is essentially () otherwise
<NiaLinaLunaStorm> <GrantM11235[m]> "> <> I am writing..." <- thanks, that was it
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<GrantM11235[m]> Most chips have some sort of built-in unique serial number or identifier, you could just use that for the usb serial number. That way you can use the same binary for every device
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