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<onsdag[m]> <thejpster[m]1> "when can I have const in asm..." <- we've been doing some fun stuff around this lately
<onsdag[m]> it does automatic instruction selection (immediate/register-based) depending on whether the value to be written is statically known or not
<onsdag[m]> it relies on an LLVM intrinsic so it's unstable, i think stabilizing it doesn't really have showstoppers and would open up for some cool things
<onsdag[m]> * it's unstable, but i think
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<AlexandrosLiarok> I am currently using linker = arm-none-eabi-ld because otherwise I get custom section overlap errors.
<AlexandrosLiarok> Am I missing something obvious ?
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<cacharle[m]> Hi, does anyone here has experience with the atat crate?
<cacharle[m]> I'm struggling to parse URCs with it (related issue:
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<AlexandrosLiarok> does anyone know how to run cargo-call-size when c-ffi bindings are involved?
<AlexandrosLiarok> s//`/, s/size/stack`/
<dirbaio[m]> if you use the `-Csoft-float` flag or are familiar with hard vs soft float abi your input might be useful here 👇️
<dirbaio[m]> cursed stable soundness-altering flag lol
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<haobogu[m]> <dinkelhacker> "Hey guys, any recomendations..." <- Vscode + Cortex-debug
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<thejpster[m]1> Apparently I can’t paste GIFs on my iPhone. Possibly because I’m old enough to have downloaded GIFs on Compuserve.
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<AlexandrosLiarok> <AlexandrosLiarok> "does anyone know how to run ..." <- Turns out I needed to apply a PR patch. This along with the stack inversion a la flip-link is a great experience. Managed to reduce stack usage by ~30kb now that I have proper feedback.
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<thejpster[m]1> Rusty Bits did a one hour walkthrough of making an embedded application on the microbit that does multiple things at once. It’s really good.
<thejpster[m]1> But damn those pop-over help boxes as he types do get in the way.
<dirbaio[m]> async <3
<thejpster[m]1> I love that Ferris turns up to give him grief every time he tries to do some unsafe.
<dirbaio[m]> it's a pretty good explanation on how it works from the ground up yup!
<thejpster[m]1> Honestly I might just ask if I can turn this into an embedded exercise for my training course.
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<therustybits[m]> <thejpster[m]1> "But damn those pop-over help..." <- Yeah, that certainly wasn't great.. not sure if there is a way to keep RA running without auto-complete suggestions on, though with my terrible typing I do rely on it quite heavily. The whole video was a bit of a gamble on whether that style of project video (screen-capture the whole thing at around 2x) would be watchable
<therustybits[m]> <thejpster[m]1> "Honestly I might just ask if I..." <- That would be awesome, go for it! 👍️
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<cbjamo[m]> <therustybits[m]> "Yeah, that certainly wasn't..." <- Two points:
<cbjamo[m]> A. I'm gonna make all my coworkers (who work on our firmware) watch this. Great job!
<cbjamo[m]> 2. I think the format worked well. The typing sections allow the concepts you just discussed to sink in.
<therustybits[m]> That's great to hear, thanks for the feedback!
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