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<ian_rees[m]> is there a crate somewhere that implements DelayNs using NOPs?
<ian_rees[m]> I'm looking for a struct that can be cloned, for use on Cortex-M0+ and M4, so something that works based on SYSTICK could be another option
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<GuineaWheek[m]> there's which doesn't do DelayNs
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<ryan-summers[m]> By the way, for anyone interested, we just released a nice crate for managing device settings via a simple CLI interface - can be used for permanently stored settings (i.e. those saved with something like sequential-storage) and run-time settings. Take a look if you're interested!
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<ryan-summers[m]> Does anyone know of GPIO debouncer crates for e-h 1.0?
<thejpster[m]1> I use, but it's much more manual and doesn't emulate a de-bounced pin
<ryan-summers[m]> That honestly looks sufficient, thanks for the link. Didn't realize it didn't rely on the e-h, so I had skipped it in my crates-io search because the last update was so long ago
sourcebox[m] has joined #rust-embedded
<sourcebox[m]> So the new friend has just arrived:
<sourcebox[m]> But not that much time for it now.
<sourcebox[m]> Also have to check which debug tools/probes already work with it.
<diondokter[m]> Just know, there's a hardware bug that has been found wrt the pull downs:
<sourcebox[m]> <ryan-summers[m]> "Does anyone know of GPIO..." <- I've written a crate some time ago, but it doesn't interface with e-h at all. It requires some time information in the form of ticks, but since it does not do any averaging, there's no initial delay. See here:
<thejpster[m]1> E9 has been known for some time, but it looks like they now have more detail - the issue is that the pull-up is being enabled when it wasn't asked for, and so with pull up and pull down enabled you get stuck in the middle
<K900> We have finally found it
<K900> The legendary pull both directions resistor
<thejpster[m]1> The text in the datasheet doesn't match the screenshot on the hackaday article
<JamesMunns[m]> The first GPIO with resistor-based suspension to balance bounces in both directions
<thejpster[m]1> the 2024-08-21 datasheet (they are continuing to refuse to update the changelog when they push out updates, which is pissing me off) just says:
<thejpster[m]1> > This is caused by a fault in the analogue circuitry of the pad itself.
dirbaio[m] has joined #rust-embedded
<dirbaio[m]> "Do you want pull up or pull down?"
<dirbaio[m]> "Yes."
<sourcebox[m]> thejpster: I read your launch blog post. I guess you used picotool for flashing. Or did you setup OpenOCD and some debug probe? I have a picoprobe, not sure if that is already supported.
<sourcebox[m]> * for flashing only. Or
<thejpster[m]1> I used both picotool and openocd. Either works.
ruabmbua[m] has joined #rust-embedded
<ruabmbua[m]> Wonder how I can abuse it as a feature 😅
<thejpster[m]1> OK, so I have this backwards. The screenshot is from the BusPirate masto thread, and it's taken from an NDA datasheet. The text was later revised to
<thejpster[m]1> > This is caused by a fault in the analogue circuitry of the pad itself.
<thejpster[m]1> (yes, I do have every copy of the datasheet I've ever seen. Why do you ask?)
<sourcebox[m]> ruabmbua[m]: Idea: since the pullup and pulldown values are slightly different, the resulting voltage may be used as bad seed for an RNG.
<ryan-summers[m]> Actually it's pretty common to do ADC reads on floating input pins to seed RNG engines. Just take the LSB from a number of measurements and you're good to go
<ryan-summers[m]> *This is not cryptographically-approved advice
<ruabmbua[m]> Yeah the problem is that this makes it trivial to influence rng
<ruabmbua[m]> Which is a problem with some threat models
<thejpster[m]1> yeah but also it has a hardware RNG and the ROM can give you a per-boot random number designed for seeding your PRNG
<sourcebox[m]> Of course it has. My proposal was not meant that serious.
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<mkj[m]> spruik timing pullups makes a nice random source
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<bogdan[m]> Hello all! Does anyone know of any `HAL`s implemented with a `chiptool`-generated PAC? I've been working on writing a HAL based on an `svd2rust` generated PAC, but I'm curious about a chiptool-based PAC. Is chiptool still developed/maintained?
<bogdan[m]> * Hello all! Does anyone know of any `HAL`s implemented with a `chiptool`-generated `PAC`? I've been working on writing a `HAL` based on an `svd2rust` generated `PAC`, but I'm curious about a chiptool-based `PAC`. Is chiptool still developed/maintained?
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<dirbaio[m]> embassy-stm32, embassy-rp use chiptool-based pacs
<dirbaio[m]> > Is chiptool still developed/maintained?
<dirbaio[m]> yes, of course :|
<bogdan[m]> no offence intended :)
<bogdan[m]> The only reason I'm asking is because I found the description of the differences between svd2rust and chiptool quite interesting
<bogdan[m]> I'll take a look at , thanks for the recommendation!
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andar1an[m]1 has joined #rust-embedded
<andar1an[m]1> sorry if this is a silly question, but my hope has been to run an RTOS on CM4 or similar form factor riskv - does anything in Rust world currently support cortex-A for something like a CM4 - or a RiscV alternative like Mars CM? I have looked at Tock, Hubris, Embassy. I can probably get away with zephyr, but wanted to verify first. I should be getting hardware in a few months as long as lead times don't get extended again.
<K900> This is way out of typical RTOS territory
<K900> You probably just want Linux
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<K900> But I know you will not like this answer and I will not argue further
i509vcb[m] has joined #rust-embedded
<i509vcb[m]> The hardware is probably a bit overkill for an rtos
<andar1an[m]1> I am looking at alpine also. But it is not for the hardware strength that I am trying to experiment with RTOS on these devices
<i509vcb[m]> If you happen to need a real time system connected to the cm4, slap an MCU on your carrier board and write a driver to talk between the two
<K900> Or use Linux configured with PREEMPT_RT and extreme care
<andar1an[m]1> I want the CM4 to be the real time system lol
<K900> Then you want Linux
<K900> Or you can spend the next however many years porting drivers from Linux to your RTOS of choice, I guess
<andar1an[m]1> I dk, zephyr supports these boards. I am clearly ignorant about the driver aspect still. I will look into more
<K900> Zephyr "supports" those boards
<K900> Where "supports" means GPIO and one serial port
<i509vcb[m]> The interesting stuff like the GPU will need a full MMU
<K900> And it's still running on top of vendor firmware which may or may not give you any timing guarantees
<K900> (it probably doesn't)
<andar1an[m]1> and uart lol
<i509vcb[m]> You might have a better luck if you have a load of money and see if QNX works on the cm4, but it's not supported by Raspberry Pi Trading so results will vary
<K900> UART is the one serial port, yes
<i509vcb[m]> But QNX opens a whole new Pandora's box
<K900> i509vcb[m]: Neither is Zephyr
<K900> The only software actually supported by the vendor on those things is Raspbian
<K900> Everything else is best-effort at best
<i509vcb[m]> So before we go into semantics, what real time system are you implementing on the theoretical RTOS you want
<K900> And generally their best effort is not very good
<andar1an[m]1> I wanted to play with the concept of treating a microservice as a microcontroller
<i509vcb[m]> (Let's avoid an XY problem pretty much)
<K900> You are saying words that don't mean things
<K900> (again)
<andar1an[m]1> Me?
<K900> What is a "microservice", and what does it mean to treat one "as a microcontroller"?
<andar1an[m]1> It means exactly what it sounds like lol
<K900> It sounds like buzzwords strung together with no context behind them, if I may be so frank
<andar1an[m]1> flashing firmware that represents a microservice onto a small piece of hardware
<K900> What is "a microservice"
<K900> An HTTP API server?
<andar1an[m]1> yes
<i509vcb[m]> What service is being provided
<K900> And what is a "small piece of hardware"
<K900> And what do you expect to gain from doing this
<andar1an[m]1> by minimizing the machine sizes I want to have a tighter control on resource consumption by making more discrete slices along a load curve for consumption
<andar1an[m]1> so instead of trying to fill up a bunch of big machines
<andar1an[m]1> I want to bring up a bunch of little machines when they are needed
<andar1an[m]1> most of the "api servers" or microservices I require are not complex
<andar1an[m]1> they do 1 thing, and can be very small
<K900> Then you can probably run all of them on one CM4
<K900> Or a bunch of Pi Picos or something, I guess
<K900> That would actually be "small"
<andar1an[m]1> I am going with cm4's right now because I ordered 10 raspberry pi blades to experiment with this and ipv6 and netboor
<K900> And you can run an RTOS on those
<andar1an[m]1> small relative to standard servers in a data center
<andar1an[m]1> you can get as discreet as you want, but this is for experimentation and learning
<K900> Well, if you want to run "bare metal" on those, that's basically never actually happening unless you reverse engineer the entire vendor firmware which is something people have tried and did not have much success with
<K900> Also, you'd have to implement an entire Ethernet and/or Wi-Fi stack to get any networking out of them
<andar1an[m]1> I ordered a bunch of these:, so this is what I have to work with
<K900> Though at least with Ethernet you can probably layer something existing on top
<andar1an[m]1> It is all ethernet
<K900> Well you'd still have to write your own Ethernet driver and then figure out how to connect it to an existing network stack
<K900> And then you'll have a whole lot of other exciting things to reinvent, like remote management or monitoring or logging or other things people generally expect from servers
<andar1an[m]1> Yes, and how to flash frimware in a pxe like manner
<andar1an[m]1> Why? this is a microcontroller, just have it send api logs or go down
<K900> It is very much not a micro anything
<andar1an[m]1> The whole point is to try to cut out a lot of the stack and see what happens
<K900> And you'll probably want to know what is going on when the network goes down
kenny has joined #rust-embedded
<andar1an[m]1> Not understanding that
<andar1an[m]1> how would I find out what was wrong with it if the network was down?
<andar1an[m]1> Like go plug into it?
<K900> Real servers usually have management hardware for this
<K900> That's on a separate network
<K900> And is able to monitor and control the system
<andar1an[m]1> Yes, but if the network goes down it can't communicate
<K900> Which is why the BMCs are usually put onto a separate network
<andar1an[m]1> If my network goes down, I would be investigating my routers and switches first
<andar1an[m]1> anyways this is off topic now
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<DavidHowells[m]> Is anyone using svdtools and knows what I need to put in the yaml patch file to get it to expand all arrays? I'm stuck, and any help would be much appreciated.
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