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<re_irc> <> nice! one step closer at least
<re_irc> <> let textbox_style = TextBoxStyleBuilder::new()
<re_irc> .height_mode(HeightMode::FitToText)
<re_irc> .build();
<re_irc> .vertical_alignment(VerticalAlignment::Middle)
<re_irc> .alignment(HorizontalAlignment::Center)
<re_irc> trying to do this, but vertical alignment actually isnt taking hold? if i comment out the alignment it doesnt do vertical. but if i do "TextBox::with_vertical_alignment()" and specify it then, i can get it to center vertically but not horizontally since then it doesnt let me specify a horizontal alignment option. what the heck am i doing wrong?
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<re_irc> <> Hi! Does anyone know how to use probe-run when there are multiple probes connected?
<re_irc> Running `probe-run --chip STM32G431CBUx target\thumbv7em-none-eabihf\release\esp_flash_workaround`
<re_irc> [0]: STLink V3 (VID: 0483, PID: 374e, Serial: 0053002D3331510633323639, StLink)
<re_irc> Error: more than one probe found; use --probe to specify which one to use
<re_irc> the following probes were found:
<re_irc> [1]: STLink V3 (VID: 0483, PID: 374e, Serial: 0032002C5553500720393256, StLink)
<re_irc> error: process didn't exit successfully: `probe-run --chip STM32G431CBUx target\thumbv7em-none-eabihf\release\esp_flash_workaround` (exit code: 1)
<re_irc> PS C:\Users\david\code\Anyleaf\elrs_rx\flashing\stm_workaround_firmware> cargo rr --probe 1
<re_irc> error: unexpected argument '--probe' found
<re_irc> note: argument '--profile' exists
<re_irc> Usage: run --release --profile <PROFILE-NAME> [args]...
<re_irc> <> Thanks!
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<re_irc> <> Hello, quick question
<re_irc> Using "heapless" I am trying to copy a "payload: &[u8]" into a "Vec<u8, MAX_SIZ>", how can I fix this compilation error
<re_irc> error[E0308]: mismatched types
<re_irc> |
<re_irc> | ------------------------ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `Vec<u8, 4096>`, found `Result<Vec<u8, _>, ()>`
<re_irc> --> rust/src/
<re_irc> 136 | let mut pld_vec: Vec<u8, MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZ> = Vec::from_slice(payload);
<re_irc> | |
<re_irc> | expected due to this
<re_irc> |
<re_irc> = note: expected struct `heapless::Vec<_, 4096>`
<re_irc> found enum `core::result::Result<heapless::Vec<_, _>, ()>`
<re_irc> For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.
<re_irc> error: could not compile `mqttrpc` (lib) due to previous error
<re_irc> <> * error, and I cannot modify the type of "payload"
<re_irc> <> Because a slice can be bigger than the capacity of your Vec, it returns a result. If it's bigger, then you get an error.
<re_irc> If you know that will never happen, you can simply do "Vec::from_slice(payload).unwrap()";
<re_irc> <> : Hi, thank you for this, it works. But I need help in coming up with logic to do 1 byte write operation (Currently I'm doing 64-bit doubleword write to page buffer to write to my flash, as directed by the datasheet). I need to write code for the case where the data is not word aligned. Say, user wants to write data of 103 bytes. Then my 'if' block executes till 96 bytes and then my 'else' block should execute to...
<re_irc> ... write the final word. I have a 'temp' array which has '0xffffffff' filled for 8 bytes. I need to perform 1-byte write operation to fill up my temp till 103 bytes and by default the 104th byte will be filled with 0xffffffff and I should write this doubleword to flash.
<re_irc> Need help in writing the else block and writing the tempword contents to flash
<re_irc> <> : Create the array, then copy the data you need into it and then write it
<re_irc> write_to_flash(buffer);
<re_irc> let mut buffer = [0xFF; 8];
<re_irc> buffer[].copy_from_slice(data);
<re_irc> <> Just know that on nRF chips, you can only write to a word twice and only change bits from 1 to 0
<re_irc> <> Okay, I'm using a microchip board (ATSAM4LC8CA chip)
<re_irc> <> Oh, yeah! I forgot
<re_irc> while idx < len {
<re_irc> // Check if the following holds true and do a full word write i.e. 4-byte write
<re_irc> <> Code snippet:
<re_irc> let data_ptr = (data as *const u32) as u32;
<re_irc> // - if `len - idx` is greater than 3 (i.e. 4 bytes).
<re_irc> // - if the address is aligned on a word (i.e. 4-byte) boundary.
<re_irc> // - if the data_ptr is aligned on a word (i.e. 4-byte) boundary.
<re_irc> if (len - idx > 3)
<re_irc> && ((((address + idx) & 0x03) == 0) && ((data_ptr + idx) & 0x03) == 0)
<re_irc> {
<re_irc> // To begin write operation, Clear page buffer register
<re_irc> self.nvm.fcmd.write(|s| unsafe {
<re_irc> s.key().bits(0xA5)
<re_irc> // pagen field is not used
<re_irc> .cmd().bits(0x03)
<re_irc> });
<re_irc> loop {
<re_irc> let fsr_status =;
<re_irc> if fsr_status == true {
<re_irc> // defmt::println!("Erase successful");
<re_irc> break;
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> // Write to Page Buffer by directly writing to flash memory
<re_irc> unsafe {
<re_irc> *dst = *src; // 4-byte write (For lower part of doubleword)
<re_irc> };
<re_irc> src = ((src as u32) + 4) as *mut u32; // increment pointer by 4
<re_irc> dst = ((dst as u32) + 4) as *mut u32; // increment pointer by 4
<re_irc> unsafe {
DisconSented has left #rust-embedded [ - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
<re_irc> *dst = *src; // 4-byte write (For higher part of doubleword)
<re_irc> };
<re_irc> src = ((src as u32) + 4) as *mut u32; // increment pointer by 4
<re_irc> dst = ((dst as u32) + 4) as *mut u32; // increment pointer by 4
<re_irc> // Flash write command
<re_irc> self.nvm.fcmd.write(|s| unsafe {
<re_irc> s.key().bits(0xA5)
<re_irc> .pagen().bits(pg_num.try_into().unwrap())
<re_irc> .cmd().bits(0x01)
<re_irc> });
<re_irc> // defmt::println!("Addr value: {}", addr);
<re_irc> loop {
<re_irc> let fsr_status =;
<re_irc> if fsr_status == true {
<re_irc> // defmt::println!("Erase successful");
<re_irc> break;
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> // increment index value
<re_irc> idx += 8;
<re_irc> if (idx%512)==0 {
<re_irc> pg_num+=1;
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> } else {
<re_irc> let mut temp_doubleword: [u8; 8] = [0xff; 8];
<re_irc> // needs code here...
<re_irc> idx += 1;
<re_irc> // Flash write command
<re_irc> self.nvm.fcmd.write(|s| unsafe {
<re_irc> s.key().bits(0xA5)
<re_irc> .pagen().bits(offset.try_into().unwrap())
<re_irc> .cmd().bits(0x01)
<re_irc> });
<re_irc> // defmt::println!("Addr value: {}", addr);
<re_irc> loop {
<re_irc> let fsr_status =;
<re_irc> if fsr_status == true {
<re_irc> // defmt::println!("Erase successful");
<re_irc> break;
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> <> /code snippet :
<re_irc> while idx < len {
<re_irc> let data_ptr = (data as *const u32) as u32;
<re_irc> // Check if the following holds true and do a full word write i.e. 4-byte write
<re_irc> // - if `len - idx` is greater than 3 (i.e. 4 bytes).
<re_irc> // - if the address is aligned on a word (i.e. 4-byte) boundary.
<re_irc> // - if the data_ptr is aligned on a word (i.e. 4-byte) boundary.
<re_irc> if (len - idx > 3)
<re_irc> && ((((address + idx) & 0x03) == 0) && ((data_ptr + idx) & 0x03) == 0)
<re_irc> {
<re_irc> // To begin write operation, Clear page buffer register
<re_irc> self.nvm.fcmd.write(|s| unsafe {
<re_irc> s.key().bits(0xA5)
<re_irc> // pagen field is not used
<re_irc> .cmd().bits(0x03)
<re_irc> });
<re_irc> loop {
<re_irc> let fsr_status =;
<re_irc> if fsr_status == true {
<re_irc> // defmt::println!("Erase successful");
<re_irc> break;
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> // Write to Page Buffer by directly writing to flash memory
<re_irc> unsafe {
<re_irc> *dst = *src; // 4-byte write (For lower part of doubleword)
<re_irc> };
<re_irc> src = ((src as u32) + 4) as *mut u32; // increment pointer by 4
<re_irc> dst = ((dst as u32) + 4) as *mut u32; // increment pointer by 4
<re_irc> unsafe {
<re_irc> *dst = *src; // 4-byte write (For higher part of doubleword)
<re_irc> };
<re_irc> src = ((src as u32) + 4) as *mut u32; // increment pointer by 4
<re_irc> dst = ((dst as u32) + 4) as *mut u32; // increment pointer by 4
<re_irc> // Flash write command
<re_irc> self.nvm.fcmd.write(|s| unsafe {
<re_irc> s.key().bits(0xA5)
<re_irc> .pagen().bits(pg_num.try_into().unwrap())
<re_irc> .cmd().bits(0x01)
<re_irc> });
<re_irc> // defmt::println!("Addr value: {}", addr);
<re_irc> loop {
<re_irc> let fsr_status =;
<re_irc> if fsr_status == true {
<re_irc> // defmt::println!("Erase successful");
<re_irc> break;
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> // increment index value
<re_irc> idx += 8;
<re_irc> if (idx%512)==0 {
<re_irc> pg_num+=1;
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> } else {
<re_irc> defmt::println!("I'm executing the else block");
<re_irc> let mut temp_doubleword: [u8; 8] = [0xff; 8];
<re_irc> // code goes here
<re_irc> idx += 1;
<re_irc> // Flash write command
<re_irc> self.nvm.fcmd.write(|s| unsafe {
<re_irc> s.key().bits(0xA5)
<re_irc> .pagen().bits(offset.try_into().unwrap())
<re_irc> .cmd().bits(0x01)
<re_irc> });
<re_irc> loop {
<re_irc> let fsr_status =;
<re_irc> if fsr_status == true {
<re_irc> break;
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> <> I guess you've done a lot of C before?
<re_irc> So the operation of writing a full word and a 'partial' word is exactly the same. So I'd refactor that to its own function.
<re_irc> You're doing a lot of pointer math which is not how you would really write this in Rust.
<re_irc> Assuming your code basically works, I came up with this:
<re_irc> We can also make more use of slices and iterators.
<re_irc> fn write_nvm_word(&mut self, address: u32, word: &[u8]) {
<re_irc> assert_eq!(word.len(), 8);
<re_irc> assert_eq!(address % 8, 0);
<re_irc> // Add more asserts to taste
<re_irc> // To begin write operation, Clear page buffer register
<re_irc> self.nvm.fcmd.write(|s| unsafe {
<re_irc> s.key().bits(0xA5)
<re_irc> .cmd().bits(0x03)
<re_irc> });
<re_irc> while ! {}
<re_irc> let dst = address as *mut u32;
<re_irc> // Write to the page buffer
<re_irc> unsafe {
<re_irc> dst.offset(0).volatile_write(word[0..4].as_ptr() as *const u32);
<re_irc> dst.offset(1).volatile_write(word[4..8].as_ptr() as *const u32);
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> let pg_num = address / 512; // I don't know how big your pages are
<re_irc> // Flash write command
<re_irc> self.nvm.fcmd.write(|s| unsafe {
<re_irc> s.key().bits(0xA5)
<re_irc> .pagen().bits(pg_num.try_into().unwrap())
<re_irc> .cmd().bits(0x01)
<re_irc> });
<re_irc> while ! {}
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> pub fn write_nvm_words(&mut self, address: u32, data: &[u8]) {
<re_irc> for (i, word) in data.chunks(8).enumerate() {
<re_irc> if word.len() == 8 {
<re_irc> self.write_nvm_word(address + i * 8 as u32, word);
<re_irc> } else {
<re_irc> let mut buffer = [0xFF; 8];
<re_irc> buffer[..word.len()].copy_from_slice(word);
<re_irc> self.write_nvm_word(address + i * 8 as u32, &buffer);
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> <> I guess you've done a lot of C before?
<re_irc> You're doing a lot of pointer math which is not how you would really write this in Rust.
<re_irc> So the operation of writing a full word and a 'partial' word is exactly the same. So I'd refactor that to its own function.
<re_irc> We can also make more use of slices and iterators.
<re_irc> Assuming your code basically works, I came up with this:
<re_irc> fn write_nvm_word(&mut self, address: u32, word: &[u8]) {
<re_irc> assert_eq!(word.len(), 8);
<re_irc> assert_eq!(address % 8, 0);
<re_irc> // Add more asserts to taste
<re_irc> // To begin write operation, Clear page buffer register
<re_irc> self.nvm.fcmd.write(|s| unsafe {
<re_irc> s.key().bits(0xA5)
<re_irc> .cmd().bits(0x03)
<re_irc> });
<re_irc> while ! {}
<re_irc> let dst = address as *mut u32;
<re_irc> // Write to the page buffer
<re_irc> unsafe {
<re_irc> dst.offset(0).volatile_write(word[0..4].as_ptr() as *const u32);
<re_irc> dst.offset(1).volatile_write(word[4..8].as_ptr() as *const u32);
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> let pg_num = address / 512; // I don't know how big your pages are
<re_irc> // Flash write command
<re_irc> self.nvm.fcmd.write(|s| unsafe {
<re_irc> s.key().bits(0xA5)
<re_irc> .pagen().bits(pg_num.try_into().unwrap())
<re_irc> .cmd().bits(0x01)
<re_irc> });
<re_irc> while ! {}
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> pub fn write_nvm_words(&mut self, address: u32, data: &[u8]) {
<re_irc> for (i, word) in data.chunks(8).enumerate() {
<re_irc> if word.len() == 8 {
<re_irc> self.write_nvm_word(address + i * 8 as u32, word);
<re_irc> } else {
<re_irc> let mut buffer = [0xFF; 8];
<re_irc> buffer[..word.len()].copy_from_slice(word);
<re_irc> self.write_nvm_word(address + i * 8 as u32, &buffer);
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> <> I guess you've done a lot of C before?
<re_irc> You're doing a lot of pointer math which is not how you would really write this in Rust.
<re_irc> So the operation of writing a full word and a 'partial' word is exactly the same. So I'd refactor that to its own function.
<re_irc> We can also make more use of slices and iterators.
<re_irc> Assuming your code basically works, I came up with this:
<re_irc> fn write_nvm_word(&mut self, address: u32, word: &[u8]) {
<re_irc> assert_eq!(word.len(), 8);
<re_irc> assert_eq!(address % 8, 0);
<re_irc> // Add more asserts to taste
<re_irc> // To begin write operation, Clear page buffer register
<re_irc> self.nvm.fcmd.write(|s| unsafe {
<re_irc> s.key().bits(0xA5)
<re_irc> .cmd().bits(0x03)
<re_irc> });
<re_irc> while ! {}
<re_irc> let dst = address as *mut u32;
<re_irc> // Write to the page buffer
<re_irc> unsafe {
<re_irc> dst.offset(0).volatile_write(word[0..4].as_ptr() as *const u32);
<re_irc> dst.offset(1).volatile_write(word[4..8].as_ptr() as *const u32);
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> let pg_num = address / 512; // I don't know how big your pages are
<re_irc> // Flash write command
<re_irc> self.nvm.fcmd.write(|s| unsafe {
<re_irc> s.key().bits(0xA5)
<re_irc> .pagen().bits(pg_num.try_into().unwrap())
<re_irc> .cmd().bits(0x01)
<re_irc> });
<re_irc> while ! {}
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> pub fn write_nvm_words(&mut self, address: u32, data: &[u8]) {
<re_irc> for (i, word) in data.chunks(8).enumerate() {
<re_irc> if word.len() == 8 {
<re_irc> self.write_nvm_word(address + i * 8 as u32, word);
<re_irc> } else {
<re_irc> let mut buffer = [0xFF; 8];
<re_irc> buffer[..word.len()].copy_from_slice(word);
<re_irc> self.write_nvm_word(address + i * 8 as u32, &buffer);
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> <> Not sure if you need the volatile writes here, but they won't hurt
<re_irc> <> : I'm still learning Rust (and the only other language I know is C) and will definitely want to write in Rust as Rust!
<re_irc> For the volatile_write, I'm getting error: no method named "volatile_write" found for raw pointer "*mut u32" in the current scope
<re_irc> How do I fix this?
<re_irc> <> Oh, maybe I got it in reverse. Is it "write_volatile"?
<re_irc> <> I'll check...
<re_irc> <> : Yes, seems like write_volatile it is
<re_irc> has ``cannot add "usize" to `u32``` and gives mismatched types error
<re_irc> "self.write_nvm_word(address as u32 + i * 8 as u32, word);"
<re_irc> <> : I've not tested this code, so things like that are bound to happen. I think "(i * 8) as u32" should work
<re_irc> <> : Oh I see
<re_irc> fn main()->! {
<re_irc> let addr = 0x00043800;
<re_irc> How do I pass data as argument for my function that calling write_nvm_words?
<re_irc> let data: [u8; 102] = [0xA5; 102];
<re_irc> let len = 102;
<re_irc> let raw_ptr = data.as_ptr();
<re_irc> let updater = FlashWriterEraser::new();
<re_irc> // updater.hal_flash_erase(addr, len);
<re_irc> updater.write_nvm_words(0x00043800, data.as_ptr());
<re_irc> defmt::println!("Writing finished");
<re_irc> loop {
<re_irc> //...
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> }
<re_irc> <> Not as a pointer, but as a slice: "updater.write_nvm_words(0x00043800, &data);"
<re_irc> <> I see, Thank you very much for your help!
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<re_irc> <> > There is no physical memory located in the CPUs’ Arm SRAM regions.
<re_irc> 😢
<re_irc> <> From the PSoC6 data sheet
<re_irc> <> Hi, today an issue made me wonder about something.
<re_irc> <> We realized that our boards that defmt_log is not none, when the debugger is remove mid operation the boards reset only a few minutes later than that
<re_irc> <> but it does not happen when defmt = none, or does not happen after the reset either.
<re_irc> <> So, I wonder, is there a resouce that explains how defmt uses the resources (RTT, I guess?)
<re_irc> <> Now that I think thins might be better suited for the probe-rs room
<re_irc> <> If I find out something, will share.
<re_irc> <> MSP432E401Y: You suggested to use the TM4C Hal. So I cloned the repo and found a project with this MCU in the examples folder. After following the instructions in the Discovery book I found resulting machine code file in the build folder. Flashing with the J-Link did'nt work (unrecognized file), so I tested it with the Debugger MCU already placed on the launchpad. From UniFlash (GUI program) I got the message that it...
<re_irc> ... was trying to write outside the memory. In the config file in the .cargo folder I found following line:
<re_irc> runner = "probe-rs run --chip MSP432E411Y --protocol swd --speed 4000"
<re_irc> <> I commented it and uncommented the line with arm-none-eabi-gdb, but this didn't work either. The MSP432E411Y is another chip, but it has the same flahs size as the MSP432E401Y, so this should'nt be a problem. Both habe 1024kByte.
<re_irc> <> * have
<re_irc> <> : Check the memory.x file being used instead. It could be that the linker memory is incorrectly specified for the chip
<re_irc> <> Thanks for the fast reply. But I cannot load this file into the MCU via J-Link and the Command Line Program: File is of unknown / supported format. And UniFlash also doesn't recognize the format...
<re_irc> <> It's an ELF. You can convert it to a format they support or add the .elf ending
<re_irc> <> FYI if you're on *nix systems you can run "file" on the output to figure out what it is too
<re_irc> <> Thanks to , defmt-rtt starts the rtt as NON_BLOCKING, but then the defaults of probe-run sets it to BLOCKING.
<re_irc> <> looks like i need to implement something like channels for micriumos
<re_irc> <> how do you usually solve allocating task data structures that are immovable (TCB, stack)?
<re_irc> <> i guess my reflex of statically allocating things like task stacks is not so easy in rust
<re_irc> <> Why not? What are you trying to do?
emerent is now known as Guest4417
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<re_irc> <> broadly, use micriumos on the silabs gecko platform, and implement my application logic in rust
<re_irc> <> Ew, I'm sorry. I have no idea how micrium manages tasks or memory
<re_irc> <> i'm about to find out :)
<re_irc> <> i think it is similar to freertos
<re_irc> <> I'm very sorry in advance then
<re_irc> <> real world stuff, still better than writing the whole app in c++
<re_irc> <> i guess for my task stack, if i take a "&mut [usize]", i can use that as the stack, and nobody can stomp around on it
<re_irc> <> and it could come from a static allocation or a box
<re_irc> <> Yeah as long as you hold the reference, I don't think it can move
duderonomy has joined #rust-embedded
<re_irc> <> i don't know what it means to be dropped tho, do i kill the task?
<re_irc> <> how can i phrase a task type that owns itself, i.e. even if the task handle goes out of scope, it doesn't get dropped?
<re_irc> <> : probe-rs support for flashing those chips is in git, you can install that version if you want to try it but attach after flash isn't working correctly yet. The gdb runner is set up for taking to openocd. There's an openocd config in that example folder that works with the launchpad debugger, try that first.
<re_irc> <> how do i receive an unknown amount of data from a host? specifically, im using i do know the upper bound on what i can receive. if i create a buffer of that size and give that to "receive_from" then my app basically hangs waiting for data that will never arrive.
<re_irc> <> timeout based cancellation token?
<re_irc> <> : With UDP you should give it the upper bound. It will return to you a slice with the actual length of the message that was received
<re_irc> <> By any chance, do you use a split socket?
<re_irc> <> (Especially where you TX and RX in different tasks?)
<re_irc> <> not at this stage. hacking on some test code with a new API
<re_irc> <> Ok, cause there's a bug with that that is fixed on master
<re_irc> <> In your case it shouldn't hang
<re_irc> <> If you give it a smaller size it doesn't hang?
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