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<wes_> anyone familiar with usb_device::TestClass? i've copied over this struct and it's methods(right term?), and i'm trying to implement a custom usb device.
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<re_irc> <|cos|> wes_: cargo-outdated can be useful for keeping track of large dependency lists, but for simple projects i'd say having an occasional look at is the way to go
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<Socke> mabez: is there a usage example for the esp-idf EspHttpConnection? I tried figuring the usage out from the docs & source, but when doing a Post request, the body is always on the server side
<Socke> my steps are:
<Socke> 1. initate_request(Method::Post, url, &[]);
<Socke> 2. wait until is_request_initated() is true
<Socke> 3. write_all(body)
<Socke> 4. wait until initiate_response() is true
<Socke> 5. read status()
<Socke> but somehow on the server side I always receive Content-Length: 0 and no body following
<Socke> forgot to mention my call to initiate_response() after write_all
<re_irc> < (> Socke: Sorry I haven't really used it much yet, you might have better luck asking in the esp-rs chat:
<Socke> oh, finally figured it out. by reading the source and the esp idf docs, I found out that it requires me manually specifying the correct content length header in initiate_request
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<wes_> can anyone help me with a usb device? i can see it enumerate correctly. i just don't know how to access control and bulk endpoints in Rust. i still suck at reading/understanding Rust docs.
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<re_irc> < (> Hi! New to rust, I am planning to rewrite a project in rust + rtic
<re_irc> Which is the best embedded HAL in Rust Ecosystem? (Stm32)
<re_irc> (Most stable, Follows best practices, Idiomatic, etc)
<re_irc> < (> Is the question "what hardware do I choose to have the best HAL"? Or is it "what HAL do I copy when writing my own"?
<re_irc> < (> What hardware do i choose to have the best HAL (answer to the other one would also be very instructive)
<re_irc> < (> STM32/nRF51/RP2040 are all pretty solid
<re_irc> < (> ESP32 is also fine if you don't mind the overall weirdness that comes with Xtensa
<re_irc> < (> (slight nit: nrf52 if you're picking nordic, nrf51 support exists, but not nearly as well used as the nrf52 family)
<re_irc> < (> But realistically supply will be a bigger issue right now than anything else
<re_irc> < (> STM32/nRF5x/RP2040 are all pretty solid
<re_irc> < (> : Oops, autocorrect
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<re_irc> < (> is there a great repo worth studying/emulating? - i am looking to go for an stm32f407
<re_irc> < (> A repo of what exactly?
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<re_irc> < (> A good example project perhaps that shows how an embedded rust project should be structured
<re_irc> < (> I am currently using this repo as my main reference for example:
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<wes_> re_irc: i used rp-hal for my first project. it is for the rp2040, but it shows overall project setup clearly.
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<re_irc> < (> _modify:
<re_irc> I2S0:
<re_irc> _cluster:
<re_irc> SECCHANNEL[%s]:
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<re_irc> < (> In this two hour live stream, we spend about 60 minutes talking about my PCB, and then in 60 minutes I walk a complete Rust newbie through installing Rust, installing probe-run, using Zadig, compiling some embedded rust and programming two different microcontrollers:
<re_irc> < (> I love to see someone attempt to walk an Embedded C newbie through the same process (but without using Arduino)
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