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<re_irc> < (> : It is not impossible that this could be a bug in the F4 HAL. Happened more than once that ST implemented bugs or ignored their own errata.
<re_irc> < (> I'm initialising various hardware in the init() function. It's all working fine when started after an stlink upload (via cargo embed), but fails when starting up after a power cycle. This is frustrating to debug, as I only have the rtt logs after a cargo embed - power cycling the device break the rtt connection.
<re_irc> Is there any way to get the rtt output after a power cycle?
<re_irc> < (> sure, set carg-embed to not flash and not reset on connect. put a big delay at the beginning of startup to give you some time to connect before the init messes stuff up.
<re_irc> < (> Thanks - but that leads to my second question. What the best way to put a delay in the init() function of an rtic program? I'm constructing a Monotonic for subsequent scheduling, but it doesn't start increasing until after the init() function has returned.
<re_irc> < (> * delay/busy wait
<re_irc> < (> cortex_m::asm::Delay will work anywhere, cortex_m::delay::Delay is probably still fine in init()
<re_irc> < (> will try that.
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<re_irc> < (> Well, the "cortex_m::asm::delay" worked, in that it paused the init() function. But that made the power on startup bug go away :-( I could leave it there, but I'll try and understand what's needing it.
<re_irc> < (> Your RTT can maintain a connection through a reset just fine. Just have your firmware initiate the device reset. Not sure if that would work instead of a power-cycle?
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<re_irc> < (> what are my options for attaching some constant metadata to each struct member? I have a large configuration struct, but I need each field to also contain constant name, flags, default value, etc. I'm currently using a wrapper "struct Register<T> { name: &'static str, flags: Flags, def_val: T, val: T }", which kind of works, but it really bloats the whole configuration when most of the data could be...
<re_irc> ... in flash instead of ram. As an alternative, I was thinking of a newtype for each field that would implement a "trait Register { const NAME: &'static str; const FLAGS: Flags; const DEFAULT: Self }", but this is really verbose in lines of code. Maybe there is some magic proc macro for such things?
<re_irc> < (> what are my options for attaching some constant metadata to each struct member? I have a large configuration struct and I need each field to also contain constant name, flags, default value, etc. I'm currently using a wrapper "struct Register<T> { name: &'static str, flags: Flags, def_val: T, val: T }", which kind of works, but it really bloats the whole configuration when most of the data could be in...
<re_irc> ... flash instead of ram. As an alternative, I was thinking of a newtype for each field that would implement a "trait Register { const NAME: &'static str; const FLAGS: Flags; const DEFAULT: Self }", but this is really verbose in lines of code. Maybe there is some magic proc macro for such things?
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