<James Munns> I'm guessing you're debugging now
<James Munns> but usually that means:
- not fencing everything that needs to be fenced
- (since it's the H7) no clearing dcache/icache as recommended in the datasheet
- not checking all of the appropriate "done" flags, meaning sometimes you race the completion
<James Munns> Lachlan ^ in case that checklist helps :p
<Lachlan> Oh those are useful, thank you
<Lachlan> I don't believe dcache is being cleared
<Lachlan> I patched the hal to output what bank errors are occurring and it appears that the programming sequence is bad
<James Munns> that smells like one of the first two things to me
<James Munns> but that's a wild guess.
<Lachlan> Yeah, hmm
<James Munns> if nothing is immediately apparent, check the errata for that chip
<Lachlan> I believe the flag is getting raised once the flash is locked again after writing
<James Munns> sometimes they'll be like "lol you have to read this twice to actually clear the flag" or "you must wait 4 clock cycles before the state is actually correct"
<Lachlan> Yeah, I don't see anything in erata
<dirbaio> wasnt there a discussion about h7xx-hal flash bugs recently?
<dirbaio> ah it was you 😂
<Lachlan> It was yep lol
<Lachlan> I thought I solved it but I'm not sure if I ended up running in release or not
<Chris [pwnOrbitals]> Hi everyone, I’m having a DeviceError(timout) while writing to SD card through embedded-sdmmc on stm32h7 with the HAL. Reading from the SD card goes fine. Any idea how this could be ? Thanks
<bugadani> wait, deprecating GATs is a real option? 😱
<bugadani> my whole firmware is built around GATs, let's hope it's not what's going to happen
<bugadani> +🤣
<James Munns> "nightly means nightly"
<bugadani> I know, but still
<bugadani> One can hope
<adamgreig> t-lang have to keep the nightly users on their toes somehow :P
<jessebraham> They don't want us to be happy
<jessebraham> (Joking of course)
<James Munns> I think boats' comments are pretty level headed and ring true
<James Munns> it's a splash of cold water, but "get shit done right" is more important than "get shit done", honestly.
dc740 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<James Munns> "A good game is only late until it ships, a bad game is bad forever"
v much agreeing with boats here tbh.
dc740 has joined #rust-embedded
<adamgreig> yea, I'm not sure I completely agree with "In general, it's better to offer an incomplete solution than no solution at all."
<adamgreig> anyway, room meeting time again! agenda is https://hackmd.io/hcdyOdpFS_iO-IHm2yJXhg, please add anything you'd like to discuss or announce and we'll start in a few mins
... compile rather than do the wrong thing
<Chris [pwnOrbitals]> Not really an announcement, but I’ve been using Rust to develop the embedded software for a solar sail spacecraft (my company is a french start-up called GAMA) and it’s been going great ! Thank you everyone here for the support, I’ve been asking a lot of questions here :D and overall the ecosystem and community looks very active and healthy :)
<adamgreig> one brief point from me, it's now 2 years since I joined the core team, and since then we haven't had any change in core team membership, maybe something for people to think over: should we rotate core team members? does anyone else want to be involved?
<adamgreig> other than that I'm out of topics for this week, though we haven't quite resolved some of the embedded-hal questions like what to do with nb
<James Munns> (as the only person who has rotated off the core team, I strongly support keeping new faces regularly on the team)
<James Munns> Especially with N=3 core team members, rotating one at a time means there's always a fresh view and historical context.
<Chris [pwnOrbitals]> What does it involve exactly ?
<adamgreig> in practice it's 99% "run the weekly meeting"
>as the only person who has rotated off the core team <-- japaric?
<James Munns> He's still on there, AFAIK.
<burrbull> there is also interesting PR by luojia65 https://github.com/rust-embedded/svd2rust/pull/627 . But it have some questions. Should we rename all field-related types (enums, readers and writers) or only enums?
<adamgreig> oh, that is interesting and a nice idea
<adamgreig> usually the PAC user does not interact with the enum, reader, or writer type names, right? except... in the documentation, where the current names can be quite confusing
<burrbull> enums sometimes we are use
<Chris [pwnOrbitals]> I just read about the weekly driver initiative, is this still going ?
<therealprof> Chris [pwnOrbitals]: In theory, yes. In practise it's more <insert time window here> rather than weekly. 😅
<burrbull> adamgreig: I don't have strict opinion. PR renames all of them
<adamgreig> seems ok to me
<adamgreig> ok, anyone have anything else to discuss or shall we close the meeting here?
<Hmvp> I was wondering something
<Hmvp> There is embedded time which sounds somewhat official, and there is fugit
<Hmvp> Is there any consensus about whats best
<Hmvp> Based on the usage numbers I'd say fugit is the place to be... Is it?
<adamgreig> neither are "official" as such, but yea, I've used fugit a bunch recently and it's quite popular
<adamgreig> they are slightly different and maybe one or the other will end up being more suitable - some libraries define a trait that either embedded-time or fugit could fulfil, e.g. rtic, so the user can pick which one to use
<Hmvp> There are two hals that use e-time but at least one has a PR to switch
<jessebraham> We decided on using "fugit" in "esp-hal" for what it's worth
<therealprof> Slightly different focus but both are very useful.
<therealprof> fugit is newer and more modern in its approach and use of Rust features.
<therealprof> The creators of both hang out here, BTW.
<Hmvp> I do encounter some friction with using drivers implement with one while the Hal uses something else...
<therealprof> Indeed, that's not ideal.
<adamgreig> there's occasionally talk of having some shared traits that both could implement, a la embedded-hal, but it's surprisingly tricky
<Hmvp> For some reason I was under the impression that both libraries try to fullfil that role with some extra utility functions...
<adamgreig> well, they both provide types rather than traits
<adamgreig> thanks everyone, let's close the meeting here! I have to run, have a good evening 👋
<Chris [pwnOrbitals]> Thanks for the organization adamgreig, good evening everyone