I've only tested it on rp2040 (and embedded-hal-mock), so please file bugs if it doesn't work on your hardware.
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<James Munns> Planning on streaming in about an hour (16:30 CET), either bootloader development or working with Keyberon (the keyboard framework). If you have thoughts on what youd like to see, lemme know here or on twitter: https://twitter.com/bitshiftmask/status/1495406680917557251
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<James Munns> Nah, that was a folder diff of an older project and the current project
<blauskaerm> I use meld for my daily work but will check it out
<James Munns> Just to make "stealing" the relevant parts easier
<James Munns> I also use it as my diff/merge tool, as it supports 3 way merging in a really clear way IMO
<James Munns> (but I think meld does that too these days? I've used BC for like 10 years now :D)
<blauskaerm> Can recommend git cola as staging tool. Makes it easier to partially stage sections
<blauskaerm> So git messages makes more sense if you are solving two issues at the same time
<blauskaerm> James Munns: Yeah you can so that in meld today. I use it as diff and merge tool for git
<James Munns> Nice! I dont really think in "chunks" (or even use staging that much), habits from older VCS tools. I pretty much just branches, commits, and the working dir
<James Munns> But there are a ton of different ways to use git, for sure :)
<blauskaerm> Everyone has their own way of working :) structure in chunks can help later when pusseling changes with the blame function
<K900> I usually just "git commit --pick" when I want to commit a chunk
<K900> * --patch"
<blauskaerm> I've never done it from the cli tbh. Will give it a try tomorrow ;)
<blauskaerm> There is also magit to emacs which I use very frequently
<dngrs (spookyvision@github)> has kdiff3 been mentioned? free and does 3-way merge
<dngrs (spookyvision@github)> it's also UGLY AS HELL
<dngrs (spookyvision@github)> but works
<xiretza> I have "git a" aliased to "add --patch", since I'm bad at working on only one thing at a time I end up having to use it a lot
<xiretza> I guess "commit --patch" might be a viable alternative
<K900> I also use git-revise extensively
<xiretza> K900: oh, cool!
<dngrs (spookyvision@github)> float handling sure is (space-)expensive, eh
<dirbaio> either make it pub, or import the stuff directly from the bins with only "mod" declarations
<dngrs (spookyvision@github)> the terminology is sometimes a bit fuzzy. The directory containing your "Cargo.toml" is a "package" which contains several "crates"
<dirbaio> newam: I have no idea for the rationale, I find it confusing myself too :'(
<dngrs (spookyvision@github)> 0 or 1 library crate, 0..n binary crates, and at least 1 crate in total
<dirbaio> also the build.rs "crate"
<dirbaio> and example crates
<dirbaio> and tests
<dirbaio> π€ͺ
<dngrs (spookyvision@github)> oy vey
<dirbaio> and examples
<vdkj> So in lib.rs I have "pub mod math_embedded" where math_embedded.rs` contains the free functions.
<vdkj> I had assumed that that meens these functions are then pub?
<dirbaio> you'll also need "pub fn abs(.." , not "pub(crate)"
<vdkj> dirbaio: 10 points.
<dirbaio> OR in "src/bin/pid_update.rs" you can do "#[path = "../math_embedded.rs"] mod math_embedded;" so that it's no longer in a "different crate"
<dirbaio> (but then you're complining math_embedded.rs twice)
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<Ryan Butler> Has anyone ever used protobuf vs flatbuffers on a microcontroller? Performance differences aside, was flatbuffers a significantly smaller binary than protobuffers? The API generated by flatbuffers is a bit weird/non idiomatic (imo, maybe I'm wrong?)