i have rake installed (gem install rake), but, I keep getting this error - `find_spec_for_exe': can't find gem rake (>= 0.a) with executable rake (Gem::GemNotFoundException). Any ideas on why this would be?
georgemp - i'm half awake and have covid so don't expect entirely coherent statements out of me... but do you have multiple installs of ruby on that machine? like... a system ruby and a local one? if you have env variables set up for a local ruby, but it's running /usr/bin/rake and you don't have a local rake installed, that'd be a problem.
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georgemp - or, if something else is loading and USING rake, you may have installed the wrong VERSION of rake
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Guimauve: thanks for trying to help with covid. hope you feel better.
i was just surprised to see someone actually use this channel. seems everyone is on the damn discord.
i believe there would be a system ruby on macOS. I have rvm installed. `rvm list` shows ruby-3.1.2 as default. `which rake` shows the one in rvm 3.1.2
but this is being run from another program
a ruby shell script (?). via `run "rake build"`. let me try to figure out which version of rake that is using
yeah, but the rvm directory binaries load the version-specific binaries, so that doesn't mean it's installed for your ruby version. if i remember? hmm. another possibility is that you're running something that uses bundler and you didn't bundler install. but if you know enough to use rvm then i doubt you're making that mistake. that's like asking
someone "did you turn the computer on"
oh, no, rvm doesn't do that any more. it actually puts the version specific binary on the path now. my bad
oh fwiw i'm just stumbling along trying to build this gem :)
so please assume i know nothing
...and that version would load pretty much any version of rake, as we're now on 13.0.6, so as long as you have -any- version of rake installed, it should find rake
I tried putting `run "which rake"` in that ruby script. and, it output `/Users/georgemp/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.2/bin/rake` which seems to be the one it should be looking fo
georgemp - if the directory for the build has a "Gemfile" file, then you want to be using bundler, specifically "bundle install" and "bundle exec" https://bundler.io/v2.3/man/bundle-install.1.html
`/Users/georgemp/.rvm/rubies/ruby-3.1.2/lib/ruby/3.1.0/rubygems.rb:265:in `find_spec_for_exe': can't find gem rake (>= 0.a) with executable rake (Gem::GemNotFoundException)` - but the file path on this error message seems to be referring to ruby 3.1.0
let me try the bundle install
Guimauve: thank you ..that seems to have resolved this