enabling yjit will, by default, allocate 256M. It's a lot for micro-benchmarks, but I guess it works for larger Rails apps.
buy... python is pretty high language also
xd sorry
but.. python is a pretty high level lang also
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what's great about truffleruby, looks like yet another implementation based on the jvm - so with that, comes all the limitations i've been use to with jruby.
cruby or die, that's how it is.
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mri/cruby's only getting better it seems. It's already nice and fast for a lot of [my] use cases.
nothing wrong with using something lower-level when you need more perf. though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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libsys: I prefer letting each language write it the way that's right. Otherwise you just get bias towards languages that prefer a style more similar to C.
libsys: Here's a benchmark, for example, that's almost as low level but dips higher into practical things too. https://github.com/kostya/benchmarks
libsys: Ruby does tend to target low memory when a JIT isn't selected, but Python has also has a ton of optimizations.
As far as interpreted languages go, I'd consider Ruby in the low memory category generally. It certainly varies.
Jemalloc or malloc trim help.
Ruby doesn't enable these by default but they're ubiquitous in production.
These benchmarks look at memory but don't use standard memory saving options.
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Speaking of memory use, I'd love some official mechanisms to inspect the heap / perhaps trigger GC / whatever.
ruby -p $SOME_PROCESS_PID -e 'GC.start` or something.
Pretty sure I can do this through rbtrace but its _just another_ dependency, and Aman (rbtrace maintainer) seems like they are doing less ruby these days.
Actually I think you can do this through gdb too.
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oz: those negative attitudes towards cruby's performance mostly come from a decade ago, back when 1.8.6/7 was hot, and the boot time for jruby/jvm is brutal. i'd say its for niche cases at best.
it doesn't help that the maintainer of truffleruby is a british soldier, and into monoarchy and all that nonsense. that turns me away as well, ill be honest.
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adam12: you know about the methods on GC, too? they can provide some insight into that.
ox1eef: Yeah. I think some mechanism to query a remote process would be nice.
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agreed, i seem to remember some attempts at that.
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hi, I have some ruby code for puppet, see http://pastie.org/p/2fuA9G0asO4mGfb2bSR6yl. I don’t quite understand when and why it uses 'class << self' for some method/function definitions, 'def self.foo' for others, and just 'def bar' for most. I read that 'class << self' is for defining 'singleton methods' but I’m not sure I really understand the concept. Also I wonder if it’s the same as 'def self.foo' and
if not, what’s the difference? I’m mostly a noob when it comes to programming, so if anyone could point me to some resource explaining the necessary fundamentals to me like I’m 5 years old, I’d appreciate that.
henk: In your example, class << self and def self.method_name are equivalent.
adam12: ah, good, thank you
henk: The reason they switched between them is probably two fold: 1. someone likely wasn't paying attention, and 2. the class << self uses an attr_accessor, which is not available by just calling self. You need to reopen the eigenclass (the singleton class if you want to think of it that way)
adam12: I only guessed the former :D thanks
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anyone doing modern rails devlopment using emacs? & if so what packages are you using?
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adam12: can you, by any chance, also take a guess why these functions are put in the eigenclass? I think I still don’t understand the concept of the eigenclass well enough to understand this … or how puppet interacts with this code. I’m trying to figure out which it is (:
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acosta: I use solargraph with lsp-mode
ahm... sorry acosta ... wanted to answer Acdlbs, but he's gone
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henk: It's not obvious why. But the eigenclass is basically a hidden object of the class you're looking at. There's better explanations out in the world, but you could think of them as class methods.
henk: It's actually unfortunate that they don't use the class builder pattern, but that's beside the point.
henk: If we replaced the top line with something like `class S6Service`, then re-opening the eigenclass (or calling def self.some_method in the class body) would be adding methods to the class (or instance methods to the eigenclass). So class S6Service; class << self; def foo; end; end would be called with S6Service.foo (the foo method on the class
henk: Unfortunately there's no great way to determine why they've done anything, but maybe it's a contract for classes to meet a certain API that Puppet expects?
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