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lu_zero: trying to use your gentoo-linux-k1_dev-sdcard-2.0.2-20250216.img image; should ethernet and sshd come up automatically?
if not, how do I perform initial setup? chroot into the sdcard and then what?
(following notes from but it doesn't explain anything in between flashing the sdcard and having a working system, which definitely isn't the case for me)
hmm digging around in the rootfs it definitely does seem to be enabling sshd at default runlevel
lu_zero: it's been a while since I've Gentoo'd but according to ChatGPT, /etc/conf.d/net should exist (it doesn't) and there should also be a symlink to /etc/init.d/net.lo somewhere in /etc/runlevels (there isn't)
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haasn: I don't use Gentoo however does sudo ip a show the network interfaces existing?
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Checking to see what the hardware/stack status is
I don't know how to access the system while it's running
Do you not have a uart?
Probably not?
Maybe I can try to find a spare monitor to plug into it
Lesson learned in RV... Plenty of uart to usb serial cables
I have an inordinate amount of the cables lol
I just have the Banana Pi FP3 sitting on my desk and glowing green
In the past I used an image provided by unlord which would automatically and bring up sshd
But it was too old, so I needed something newer
Maybe there's a different image I can use?
automatically connect and*
Nod.. How do you feel about Ubuntu based?
We have a builder that builds those images (checking if we have any prebuilt images)
whatever works :)
this is my box :)
Linux bpibox 6.13.5 #1 SMP Thu Feb 27 17:02:43 EST 2025 riscv64 riscv64 riscv64 GNU/Linux
Sadly I discovered that my display can only do mini HDMI, but I only have regular HDMI cables
and of course a 1.5k EUR monitor cannot afford to come with cables
it should bring in sshd and network
(if you have a dhcp server)
great, then something else must be broken :/
a 1.5k display that only comes with mini hdmi? Oo
do you have a serial adapter?
which one is it?
lu_zero: they already said no to uart
Tenkawa: ttl :P
gurki: Samsung Odyssey OLED G8
(absolutely terrible display, do not recommend)
haasn: if tomorrow it isn't an horrid day as today I'll try to check if everything is fine locally
aye, no hurries
At least these arent 1.5mb like some of my arm boxes are
115200 are much easier to find
I assume I can't just connect the f3 to my pc via usb?
Since that would be too simple
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haasn: sadly
I asked already few times about that
It requires u-boot and otg changes
Tenkawa: in the case of the f3 potentially a little more
I don't think the otg is correct
and I'm a bit annoyed that spacemit managed to have a strange dialect of fastboot
I've been fixing a lot of odd things here with mine already
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but bpi is traditionally afraid of getting the usb-c serial wired to the uart
Yeah... encountered than in arm if I remember right
since somebody could fry the board any anything attached to it by plugging a non-PD charging device
the other dev I work with has BPI arm devices we work with
iirc only the OpenWrt One has the usb-c wired right
Most of my of my work is Rockchip and Broadcom
for the bpi-r3mini they gave me the instructions on what to solder where
I will try my luck with a different, earlier build, maybe something about that specific img is b0rk
if it wasn't gentoo based I would just update the previous working img :p
well, you can
we have binary packages for it
that reminds me I can also upload the new batch of them
no luck with the 2.0rc6 image either
let me try upgrading unlord's image then
yup, unlord's image (spacemit-4G-2024-05-15.img) comes up no problem; LED immediately starts blinking both green and red (your images make it solid green) and ~30s later I see it requesting a DHCP lease
so it's something wrong with the images for sure
lu_zero: I definitely don't have binary packages on this system :/
oh well, I'll just update it brute force overnight
.. as soon as I manage to `emerge tmux`
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the previous images did boot just fine though...
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