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hi - does someone know how to build an fsbl image for the sg2002 with a mainline toolchain i.e. gcc13 ?
gcc13 drops an "Error: x ISA extension `xthead' must be set with the versions" - there is an icache.iall and sync.i call in the cpu_helper.c
for the cv1800 (i.e. the milkv duo) there is a prebuilt bl2, so i can build a mainline u-boot, but couldn't find such for the sg2002
that sounds more like a binutils issue, not a gcc one
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wigyori: ya, and you're probably missing something like "xtheadvector1p0" in the "-march" string. I think Charlie's latest patches should work, but if you're using vendor trees then you'll probably have to make sure how it's enabling the extensions matches what the toolchain wants
looks like some issue with floating point i need to chase down
big endian, oh no
the only true endianness ;-)
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palmer / bjdooks: a change to -march=rv64imafdcvxtheadcmo1p0_xtheadsync1p0, and an s/sync.i/th.sync.i/ s/icache.iall/th.icache.iall/ seems to have done the trick - thanks. Now it's the "unknown CSR `mhcr'", i'll try to find something similar for that
If you know the CSR number you can just use that instead of the name, that's what we usually do in Linux to avoid getting coupled to assembler versions