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<gzar> when creating an executable for distribution, should i pass the --orig-exe flag to raco exe if I expect the end-user will not have a racket installation?
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<jA_cOp> I don't know what --orig-exe is intended for, but I don't think you need that - raco exe + raco dist will collect the dependencies you need
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<gzar> alright
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<gzar> how do i get a pointer or raw image data from a bitmap? in th 2htdp/image package
<bremner> that sounds pretty exotic, are you using some kind of FFI?
<gzar> yeah, opengl related
<gzar> doesnt have to be the 2htdp/image package though, i could use something else as long as i can get the raw data to it
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<gzar> awesome, figured it out
<gzar> In case anyone was wondering how:
<gzar> oh, its not an sql file actually
<gzar> also, needed a (require racket/draw). forgot to mention that
<gzar> a bit of jumping through hoops needing to specify the sizes twice but hey, it works
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