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I read through the documentation of `dynamic-require` and tried to use it, but could not dynamically load every provided definition of a module into the current namespace, which is what `require` does. How do you actually dynamically `require`?
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What I'm actually trying to do is create a sequence of dependent submodules from which I can load all the definitions up to a certain point.
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Putonlalla: you might want `namespace-require`
It looks promising, but gives me `unbound identifier` errors.
That is, `(require (submod "modules.rkt" m))` works, while `(for-each (lambda (m) (namespace-require `(submod "modules.rkt" ,m))) (list 'm))` does not. Perhaps it needs some kind of anchor outside the `for-each`.
which identifier is unbound?
Anything provided by `m`.
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are you eval'ing it in the relevant namespace?
can you provide an example that I can try?
I'm not using `eval` at all. That might be the problem.
then what did you mean about the current namespace? namespaces are a construct used with eval
Racket does not have a way to bind in a program names determined at runtime (except in the top-level, which is fundamentally a wrapper around eval)
How do you use `eval` to implement `require` then?
My actual problem is that `module->exports` stops working when I put it in a sandbox, and I have no idea why, so I'm trying to implement these basic things to understand how they work.
The documentation is quite useless for this purpose, because it doesn't contain enough information to infer how things are going to work when you run them. There are no links to source code or formal semantics either.
A sentence like "absolute and relative module paths form a torsor with the following operations" would be immensely more helpful than the prose and incomplete examples we currently have, and would most likely also lead to a more coherent api.
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Putonlalla: I don't know what it means to implement require in terms of eval
if you're using eval, then you can just `(eval '(require foo))`
if what you want is to call some API that binds identifiers, then Racket very intentionally does not provide anything that does that
in general if you want to use `(module->exports m)` just doing `(dynamic-require m (void))` as the example in the docs suggests, should be enough
but if you can give an example then I can help more
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