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<bremner> I'm trying to use the macro stepper with the teaching language plait, but I'm having a hard time seeing the full expansion:
<bremner> Maybe that's just life, but I would appreciate any hints.
<bremner> in this particular example I can switch to #lang racket, as it turns out
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<samth> bremner: the basic issue is that macro hiding doesn't work well for plait (or for many other languages)
<samth> you can, for example, uncheck "hide library syntax" and then you'll see a lot
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<bremner> samth: I see (sortof). As far as demoing macros I should stick to #lang racket I guess. The expansion is too surprising in plait, even if you unhide appropriately. I had hoped (naively) that syntax rules would first expand to plait but it's not that simple.
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