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<technomancy> does racket have a way to prevent macros from erasing your hard drive, or is it always unsafe to compile an untrusted codebase?
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<samth> technomancy: you can use the usual sandboxing facilities (this is what DrRacket does for automated background compilation). there is not a built-in mechanism to do this for compilation, in part because too much would not work
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<technomancy> samth: so drracket does use a safe mechanism to compile in the background by default?
<samth> yes
<samth> as in, it creates a sandbox and calls the compiler explicitly inside of it
<samth> try `#lang racket (begin-for-syntax (with-output-to-file "/tmp/bar.txt" (lambda () (write 1))))` in DrRacket to see
<technomancy> cool! and since I remember reading that the LSP server is practically just "headless drracket" is it also true that it's safe to run the LSP server on untrusted code?
<samth> I do not know the details about how the LSP server handles those issues; I would not assume that the metaphor about "headless drracket" provides much guidance one way or the other
<technomancy> I understand; it's probably smart to be hesitant to give out security advice without reading carefully thru the code in question =)
<technomancy> I'm just curious because of how many different language servers I've found that do this unsafely; even opening a file can cause anything to happen with the rust language server, and I usually think of rust people as being more careful and disciplined than most
<samth> I believe that racket-mode for emacs, which uses substantial libraries from DrRacket, does not use a sandbox, but I could be wrong
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<technomancy> sorry; I got disconnected. did I miss anything?
<samth> I believe that racket-mode for emacs, which uses substantial libraries from DrRacket, does not use a sandbox, but I could be wrong
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<technomancy> sure, my understanding is that racket-mode is focused around a repl, so I wouldn't really expect there to be any safety guarantees there; you should assume it's going to run the code. LSP is focused around static analysis, and it operates automatically without any prompting other than opening a file, so evaluating untrusted code without a sandbox there is problematic.
<technomancy> different contexts
<technomancy> we are planning on adding a capabilities system to the macros in Fennel; we already have all macros sandboxed by default but today if you need to access the disk, you need to disable the sandbox altogether. we want to allow for more fine-grained control; say, this macro should have access to read files in that directory only, etc.
<technomancy> I figure yall are pretty well-versed in PLT lore; has anyone ever heard of prior art in this area?
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<samth> technomancy: racket-mode really works more like drracket (or an LSP) than a traditional emacs Lisp interface
<samth> technomancy: the racket sandbox has that kind of fine-grained control but I do not know of any metaprogramming system (including Racket) that makes use of such. the closest analog I can think of is build systems like bazel
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