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<msiism> I have a function that transforms a date list in the from '(year_num month_num day_num) into an integer representation: (define (make-integer-date lst) (+ (* (car lst) 10000) (* (cadr lst) 100) (caddr lst)))
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<msiism> Now, the problme with this is that there's no length check for the input list.
<msiism> It seems the cleanest way to solve this is to make that function take three numbers as input, instead of a list.
<msiism> Now, to make my life easier, I would define a function that splits the input list (simply returning every value in it).
<msiism> Then I would wrap the actual integer transformation in a function that does the splitting so I don't have to do it every time I want to make an integer date.
<msiism> Anything wrong with this approach?
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<msiism> Okay, apparently, you can't just return elements of a list without any structure.
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<bremner> msiism: not sure what you mean "return elements of a list" are you thinking about "values" ?
<msiism> Yes.
<msiism> I mean, doing this would already be problematic because you could never be sure about the type of the returned values.
<msiism> It would just be whatever is in the list.
<msiism> But then, the same goes for things like `car`.
<bremner> maybe you want to use structs?
<msiism> Yeah, I was already thinking, having dtaes as lists is not ideal.
<msiism> I mean, dates have pretty strictly defined fields, even thtoughout different representations. Lists don't mirror that.
<msiism> Also, `make-integer-date` taking an appropriate struct would solve my problem, I guess.
<shawnw> Why not use the standard Racket date or date* types?
<msiism> Okay, I'll look into that.
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