tonyg changed the topic of #racket to: The Racket Programming Language -- -- -- -- logged at -- This is the right place to ask for help with (Dr)Racket. Remember to wait around for an answer!
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<skeemer> does anybody know if the HTDP book covers all the concepts in The Little Schemer and the Seasoned Schemer?
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<bremner> skeemer: The Seasoned Schemer is maybe a bit more advanced. It covers a fair amount on continuations (letcc) which I don't think is covered in HTDP (or the teaching languages). OTOH, there is probably more coverage of other topics in HTDP. It is almost 30 years newer, so at least the pedagogical approaches have changed
<skeemer> bremner, thank you very mucj
<skeemer> bremner, what about macros ?
<skeemer> i mean is any of these books explaining them ?
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<bremner> I don't think so. At least HTDP does not, and a quick scan of the Seasoned Schemer suggests not
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<bremner> skeemer: if you don't mind being racket specific, I would look at at for a book discussing macros
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<bremner> probably people on #scheme have better ideas about more R*RS scheme centric books
<bremner> not exactly a book, but is well regarded
<skeemer> thanks bremner
<skeemer> also does people using racket finds itself importing srfi modules as it happens with other scheme ?
<skeemer> *schemes?
<bremner> some do. Personally not so much.
<skeemer> i mean the advantage would be increased portability i guess
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<skeemer> do you guys recommend racket-mode or geiser with racket ?
<skeemer> i am using emacs and evil mode
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<bremner> I use racket-mode. I think they are both good; geiser tries harder for a "traditional REPL", while racket-mode is probably better with any racket specific syntax
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