I've implemented a magic `ref' generic procedure that just references stuff.. I think I like (ref jone :age) more than the *really* magical (:age jone)
(also, I really wish all Schemes supported keywords :-/)
as in, self-evaluating symbols, not syntactic keywords
yeah, using a prefix is 0th can achieve that too
I am not sure why I do not like generalized set! and generalized ref
or even (:key mapping)
amirouche do you mean beautifulracket does talk about how to create a lang so that (:key map) works as I expected?
nij-: yes!
things that comes to mind: 1) I like the idea that most procedure take (most of the time) object with one and only one type that is disjoint; the problem imo with the clojure approach is that I do not see how to implement that, without a set possibly large set of clause in a cond
re generalized set! I can read (set! (car x) (car y)), and even figure what it does, but I keep wondering how that can possibly work with all containers, including records, without again some cond clause or introspection for records?
amirouche Before I read the whole book, could you perhaps hint me on why I was wrong?
I was saying that in order to make (:key map) to work, the compiler needs to know the type of :key at runtime.
This cannot be done by hacking the macroexpander.
I am not sure, I am not expert in racket :)
it depends what the macroexpander does
macroexpander comes before the evaluator, and it cannot know what the type of :key is. (I think)
yes, but it depends on how racket implements custom #lang, imo you need a custom lang, and Scheme like macro expansion is not enough to implement what you need
bah, the expeditor internals are all in unnamed modules so i cant hack them easily :>
sorry, I will let expert do the explaination
amirouche: the usual implementation is to register the setter for each getter, which maps `car' to `set-car!'
ecraven: that is what I call cond clause
ah, but it is not that ;)
however, if you want to make this work, you need implementation support
so define-record-type should register things, some clos-like thing should register things, and so on
amirouche no worries! I appreciate your help :D
nij-: in essence, you need to override what application does
ecraven: I do not know why I do not like it, I can't put an explanation... seem like too much magic or something, the definition of set! is along the line: `(set! a b)` associate the variable `a` to the object `b` or the the object associated with `b` when `b` is a variable
ecraven what is "application"? Do you mean the stage "apply", as in "eval/apply"?
once you do generalized set! you can write a book about how it works.
nij-: "function calling"
sure! Yes, that's what I meant above.
I've done it, it isn't hard, but it's more complex than what set! does now, obviously
Sometimes I use EVAL to mean eval+apply, as in REPL instead of REAPL.
ecraven Right, so racket even has a way for me to change #'apply?
nij-: yes, and I don't know whether racket supports redefining what application means in custom #langs. I don't know much about racket, sadly
we are pirates from a nearby dimension
At least in beautiful racket, it seems what's described are only about the reader and macroexpander.
ecraven you said "yes" to.. that racket allows end users to hack APPLY?
nij-: yeah, I've done that to add dynamic scope (for a demo)
Did you hack the racket implementation itself?
nij-: speed reading beautiful racket, it appears that #lang works as follow: you parse the input, and expand into some "low" level racket lang
nij-: no, just redfined %app, iirc
amirouche yeah, so just reader and macro expander
bremner! woah.
nij-: yes, and no. but look into what bremmer wrote above
amirouche which part, exactly?
hm.. search engines don't handle racket very well :-/
so in essence, define your own %app that does things with keywords, then provide that as #%app
that's cool
welcome to racket land!
Now this is what I call a truly hackable language.
I *think* this only works for direct calls, so (map :age jones) might not actually work
but I have no idea, actually ;)
With Kernel it is easy to do what you want, but... there is no fast implementation.
SO, is %app called every time a lisp form gets evaluated?!
that is the question is asking ecraven
fbbg again ;)
If it is true, it may slow down racket..
that is why Kernel is slow :)
well, it looks like this is tied into macro expansion, so that's just what gets expanded, but for (map :age jones), the function is *map*, not *:age*
so it is expanded to (you-app map :age jones)
yet map somewhere calls apply
yes, map may call an optimized, lower form kind of apply, or even be completly implemented in C, before racket cs
yes, but not #%app, would be my (completely unfounded) guess
and oblivious of the custom #%app
read the code nij- it is there, it is open, it is free, it is an cli dance away: git clone https://github.com/racket/