cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
<korvo> So, bad news: I can't find a git repo of PyGirl. Period. I have a copy of code from November 2016, but no git history. If you have a repo and you'd like to share the history, reach out and I'll rebase onto it.
<korvo> ...Did I say that already? Deja vu is really strong sometimes.
<korvo> Anyway, I've confirmed that it actually runs ROMs; this test ROM plays at full speed:
<korvo> I'm a little hesitant to upload PyGirl to GitHub because it seems like GH is getting rid of emulators. I may have to run my own git daemon. Well, my own *public* git. I've already got private backups of a lot of stuff.
itamarst has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<korvo> I got a 40% reduction in CPU usage for PyGirl by cleaning up some constructors and switching from lists to bytearrays. With a little work, it could be a decent emulator; it's already got the logic for cycle-accurate emulation.
<Dagger> that's from 2008 though
itamarst has joined #pypy
<korvo> Dagger: Yeah. That's a little too old; it's from when pypy/lang/gameboy/ was a thing along with the rest of pypy/lang/. Maybe there isn't a non-transitional git history?
slav0nic has joined #pypy
<korvo> Oh my. PyGirl calls SDL_FillRect() once per pixel redraw. That's going to add up. I might want to just do a scaled blit from a framebuffer instead.
<korvo> ...I promised myself that I wouldn't write libdrm bindings. Or XCB for RPython.
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<korvo> Okay, I think I nailed it. PyGirl now spends 41% of time in SDL_FillRect(). Time for late lunch and grocery shopping.