agronholm: My prior is that CPython's JIT offers about a 1.4x speedup over older CPython. PyPy offers about a 4.8x speedup in comparison.
(Also I personally think that CPython's JIT approach is a dead end, but that's probably mere cynicism from seeing all the other JIT efforts stall.)
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Does anybody happen to have a copy of the repo pypy/rsdl? I have the 0.4.2 tarball from PyPI, and I'm successfully building e.g. PyGirl with it, but I think I might have to add more bindings to it and I'd like to build upon as much repo history as I can.
...Ah, meatballs, never mind. I mean, I'm still happy to have a copy at rpypkgs/rsdl, but it looks like the bound version of SDL doesn't support MIDI at all. I'm gonna need to bind ALSA, I think.
ISTR that ALSA's a nasty library to bind because it uses alloca for stack-allocating temporary structures, but maybe there's something in rlib for that.