cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<cfbolz> just merged a branch that makes it possible to set the trace_limit *much* higher without recompiling. it's mostly never useful, but some very specific applications were massively improved by that (and ended up needing a custom binary)
itamarst has joined #pypy
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<xorAxAx> hey cfbolz, have you seen my question?
<xorAxAx> currently having some trouble on libera interconnects
xorAxAx is now known as xorAxAx_
<xorAxAx_> hey cfbolz, have you seen my question? (not sure my last question 2 minutes ago arrived)
<korvo> I don't think it came through; I don't see it.
<xorAxAx_> it was a personal message
<xorAxAx_> korvo: or do you mean the first one some minutes ago - so you only see one here?
<korvo> xorAxAx_: Oh, sorry. I had thought you were talking about the netsplit from a bit ago.
<cfbolz> I got a message, but I didn't read anything yet today, busy, sorry
<xorAxAx_> cfbolz: i sent it yesterdeay, can you reply?
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