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<ahmedbodi> Evening folks
<ahmedbodi> i got a bug im stuck with thats racked my brain so if anyone has any ideas that'll help please do
<ahmedbodi> so, im trying to compile wheels of a C extension that uses CFFI. On Mac/Linux naturally no issue
<ahmedbodi> However, Winblows as sucky as it is, is never happy. Instead its giving me this error ` ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils.msvc9compiler'` from FFI which honestly makes no sense to me
<ahmedbodi> anyone have any ideas? setuptools is installed (74.0.0) and latest CFFI (1.17.0) Python 3.9 (experiencing the same issue on 32/64BIT, Pythons 3.8 through to 3.12)
<ztrawhcse> ahmedbodi: this inevitably tends to mean that setuptools has once again broken the distutils API
<ztrawhcse> Note that setuptools these days will use import hook hacks to replace the distutils from the stdlib
<ztrawhcse> so it doesn't matter what api is provided by cpython or PyPy, setuptools provides its own and is VERY eager about deleting random APIs
<ztrawhcse> check the C extension's own itself as well as the cffi sources to see what's importing that module
<Alex_Gaynor> ahmedbodi: downgrade to setuptools <74, the latest setuptools breaks this
<ztrawhcse> yay, good stuff :D
<ztrawhcse> sam_, mgorny: we dodged a blow I see