cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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* arigo_ follows from far away the release process for the next version of cffi, and is very glad not to have anything to do with that any more
<cfbolz> arigo_: ohno, because it's super tricky?
<arigo_> no, cffi is a perfectly normal Python library with a bit of compiled C
<arigo_> but the Python ecosystem is completely broken imho
<cfbolz> arigo_: non-gotcha question, is C# better?
<arigo_> I don't know about the case where you want to distribute C# code with a bit a compiled C, but it's less common. If you just want to distribute C#, it's as easy as distributing plain Python
<cfbolz> right
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<cfbolz> arigo_: and C# has enough "low level pointery parts" that you don't need C as often?
<arigo_> yes
<marmoute> Hello there
<arigo_> hi!
<marmoute> My sever hosting my IRC client died, a while back and I did not bother to re-setup one.
<marmoute> I am currently trying to use pypy !
<marmoute> For work !
<cfbolz> marmoute: hey! wow, cool!
<marmoute> unfortunately, the thing I am trying to run with pypy is eventually pulling confluent-kafka as a dependencies
<arigo_> cfbolz: linkings for existing C libraries are only a bit of C# code, instead of a bit of CPython C extension code, which makes the need for including compiled C much lower
<marmoute> This has compiled bits
<cfbolz> arigo_: right
<cfbolz> marmoute: and it fails to compile the C extension? can you pastebin an error?
<marmoute> It did not compiled (because it was using PyObject_HEAD. I boldly patched it and it now compile !
<marmoute> I added the if PYPY_VERSION bits
<marmoute> but the import of the module now fails
<marmoute> Any idea of what I might be doing wrong / need to change ?
<marmoute> I think I know.
<marmoute> I have a version mismatch between the librdkafka I use and the python module I compule
<marmoute> And it runs !
<marmoute> Thanks for the quality rubber-ducking :-p
<cfbolz> excellent
<cfbolz> marmoute: are you going to upstream the fix?
<marmoute> Yes. Is it the right fix however ?
<arigo_> it looks like the extension expects the BaseException fields to show up in three fields immediately after PyObject_HEAD. There is no chance that would work out of the box
<marmoute> What is the right fix then ?
<arigo_> sorry, I don't know
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<arigo_> does it compile with: #ifdef PYPY_VERSION
<arigo_> PyObject_HEAD #elif...
<arigo_> if it does, then chances are better that no more fix is needed. If it doesn't, then more fix is needed
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