cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<Alex_Gaynor> Is there any known issue with pypy and pytest these days? I'm seeing an intermittent flake with 3.9 and 3.10 (7.3.13) like this
<mgorny> Alex_Gaynor: i'm seeing that sometimes too
<mgorny> (with various packages)
<mgorny> never really debugged it though
<Alex_Gaynor> mgorny: I guess that gives me some confidence that a) I'm not alone :-), b) It's nothing specific to our package.
<Alex_Gaynor> It's also more annoying since it means I can't fix it probably :-)
<sam_> yeah, this comes up every so often but it's never on a simple package so I never look into it
<mgorny> haha, unless it's your package getting loaded implicitly somehow and causing it for me xD
<mgorny> i.e. i have no clue whether it's pypy crashing or some loadable extension crashing
<Alex_Gaynor> the stack trace _seems_ to suggest it's happening inside pytest's assertion rewriting.
<Alex_Gaynor> heh, well, if all the places it happens involve a cryptography dependency, that'd be good to know!
<mgorny> i think it also happened to me with package that used a PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD=1, so probably cryptography isn't related
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<Alex_Gaynor> Yay :-)
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<Dejan> In case you are not aware, the project mentioned in the HPy docs is completely empty
<Dejan> I wanted to check how it is done in Rust so that I can try to do the same in D