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<abu[m]> Just got a message that Penti does not work on Android 13
<abu[m]> I'm getting more and more fed up
<abu[m]> Does anyone have Android 13 and can test it?
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<tankf33der> No
<abu[m]> I know you have iOS :)
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<aw-> sorry abu[m], my mostly offline android tablet is still on Android 9
<abu[m]> Thanks aw- anyway
<abu[m]> My tablet is on 7 and my phone is on 11, and I don't want to buy new ones just because of stupid Android
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<beneroth> same
<beneroth> abu[m], maybe there is a free emulator?
<beneroth> is termux running on android 13?
<abu[m]> The emulator is standard in the SDK (I don't use the SDK though), but I think you cannot test Penti on it (touches)
<abu[m]> And concerning Termux I'd be not sure
<aw-> abu[m]: if you have an SBC like rock64, you can install Android on it
<aw-> and a separate hdmi touchscreen
<abu[m]> Hmm, I don't have ;) And does it have a multi-touch screen?
<abu[m]> It needs 5 at the same time
<abu[m]> I will check the sources
<abu[m]> It probably has to do either with memory or with permissions
<abu[m]> (but I'm not sure if it is *really* broken, it is just a report from a single user)
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