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<abu[m]> Yeah, 'match' recurses on parts of the argument list. One way around might be increasing the stack size with "ulimit -s unlimited" in .bashrc
<abu[m]> kced: What is your use case?
<tankf33der> i gonna spent time for toml parser
<aw-> tankf33der: cool
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<kced> I was using it as a quick and dirty solution to parse HTML
<kced> The list was a list of characters of an HTML page
<abu[m]> I see, yes, 'match' is not very useful for that.
<abu[m]> I would do it similar to @lib/xm.l
<abu[m]> Basically the '_xml' function
<kced> Ah I missed that
<abu[m]> Reading the whole page into a list first is a huge overhead
<kced> Yeah, I was trying to find/parse a specific tag
<abu[m]> This can be done even simpler and *very* efficiently with 'from'
<abu[m]> e.g. parse a rate: (ssl "" "ticker" (from "\"EUR\"") (from "\"last\": ") (scl 8 (read)))
<kced> I see
<kced> I'm looking at the example here:
<kced> Does (xml) read from the FD?
<abu[m]> yes, as always, current input stream
<abu[m]> Sorry, must go, bbl
<kced> Thanks!
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<abu[m]> ret
<abu[m]> I think xm.l is ok here, but 'from' is better
<abu[m]> Not tested: (make (while (from "<Student Name=\"") (link (till "\"" T]
<abu[m]> Or 'printll' instead of make/link
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