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<tankf33der> Morning all
<tankf33der> This is old tutorial with great db introduction.
<Regenaxer> Good morning tankf33der
<Regenaxer> This should be published separately
<Regenaxer> My problem is only if it is *in* the distri
<Regenaxer> distro
<Regenaxer> And perhaps take the demo app instead of family for the examples?
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<tankf33der> I dont know.
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<olaf_h> i do agree with tankf33ders 'This is old tutorial with great db introduction.' - that was the part i fetched from pil64 docs
<Regenaxer> Yes, I understand that
<Regenaxer> It is just not part of the standard distribution
<olaf_h> why do you think it's not valuable for pil21? external symbols - persistency - db enhancements?
<Regenaxer> family.l and this part of the doc should be cleaned up and packaged separately
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<Regenaxer> The whole tutorial requires several source files
<Regenaxer> including family.l and initial DB
<Regenaxer> also other files like shape.l
<Regenaxer> All that should not be carried aleng with *every* release
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<Regenaxer> *along
<olaf_h> you want to reduce pil21 to the core essentials, right? and tutorials and other helpful stuff seperate from that?
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<Regenaxer> right
<Regenaxer> tutorial is ok
<Regenaxer> but not a whole file system
<Regenaxer> This is without limits otherwise
<Regenaxer> becomes bigger than the system itself ;)
<Regenaxer> And noone who installs picolisp will read it every week
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<olaf_h> yes, but was always nice to have it already in place
<Regenaxer> No problem, but should be separate
<Regenaxer> e.g. in the Wiki
<olaf_h> most important are hints/refs to that location, i guess (once the additional sources are stable, of course)
<olaf_h> wiki is full of so interesting topics, but it's hard to find them
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<Regenaxer> The tutorial was written long before the wiki existed
<Regenaxer> We can't pack all the Wiki into the distro
<olaf_h> The tutorial is great - was always a pleasure to dig in and try out what was written
<Regenaxer> :)
<olaf_h> sure - that's not the goal of a wiki
<olaf_h> Regenaxer, may I ask you another question now? element does not work.
<Regenaxer> Hmm, I do also think it is not very reliable
<Regenaxer> What might be the reason?
<Regenaxer> I wonder if my server-setup is wrong somehow
<Regenaxer> matrix-synapse
<olaf_h> perhaps s.o. else sees this here and has ideas how to check the config/settings of your server?
<Regenaxer> That would be great
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<escew> random question, is it possible to modify the car of a cons?
<beneroth> yes
<escew> how?
<beneroth> good question, I try to find xD
<beneroth> modifying cdr of a cons is (con 'var 'any) function
<beneroth> but car... searching :d
<escew> yeah, i tried to look for a function in the reference but couldn't find it
<beneroth> ah yes
<beneroth> just (set) - set modifies the value, but the value (in symbols) is stored in car, so set modifies car
<beneroth> : (setq Pair '(a . b))
<beneroth> : Pair
<beneroth> : (set Pair 'c)
<beneroth> -> (a . b)
<beneroth> -> c
<beneroth> -> (c . b)
<beneroth> Regenaxer, tankf33der please confirm
<beneroth> escew, you grokked the difference between (set) and (setq) ?
<escew> oh i see, thanks
<escew> that makes sense
<beneroth> you're welcome :)
<tankf33der> set is correct answer
<tankf33der> escew: check this out
<Regenaxer> yes, good tutorial
<beneroth> thank you tankf33der
<beneroth> excellent tutorial!
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<cyborg_ar> nice
<cyborg_ar> it's missing circular lists
<beneroth> T