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<beneroth> welcome escew, great you found this channel :)
<Regenaxer> Yeah, escew, welcome!
<Regenaxer> btw, beneroth, on PicCon next Saturday I think I could talk about some new "Advanced DB relations"
<Regenaxer> As you know, I tuned some use cases
<Regenaxer> i.e. +Joint and +Swap in '+Bag
<beneroth> you tuned some more than the ones I know? :)
<beneroth> I have feeling we should start with the very basics first
<beneroth> not so many people who are deep into pilDB I'm afraid... mtsd, cess11, thmoas, maybe cyborg_ar ? who else?
<beneroth> pilDB is a marvel. we should explain it to more people :)
<cess11> that sounds interesting
<Regenaxer> yeah, basic is important too
<Regenaxer> So we could cover basic E/R first
<Regenaxer> and in the end go to the advanced stuff
<beneroth> T
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<Regenaxer> Yeah. Surprisingly few people have looked at the Pil DB it seems. Even tankf33der does not dare to.
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<tankf33der> I even solved several tasks using pildb.
<Regenaxer> oh, ah, sorry!
<tankf33der> Mansur Mamkin is my secret weapon, he could explain me pildb on russian.
<tankf33der> but i do not understand details.
<Regenaxer> ok
<Regenaxer> Will you join PilCon?
<tankf33der> i hope
<Regenaxer> cool
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<olaf_h> By trying to be prepared (a bit at least) for PilCon picolisp db topic on Saturday (very interesting, of course) - I missed chapters of the tutorial in the current pil21 distribution, I guess.
<olaf_h> So I looked into pil64 doc directory, where tutorial is not cut off after section 'scripting'.
<olaf_h> For me at the moment, most difficulties are to understand, how to retrieve data from the picolisp db (without gui) - perhaps some sql knowledge of decades ago clogs me to understand the picolisp way.
<olaf_h> Or is it necessary to have certain knowledge of b-trees and/or indexes or so?
<cess11> i wouldn't say it's necessary but when you start connecting objects of different classes you'll also need to think about which directions you want a query to be solvable in
<cess11> to get started i'd recommend going with debug mode and the select function rather than the predicate, so you get used to how class declarations work
<olaf_h> ok, so forget about 'iter and 'tree in the beginning?
<cess11> yeah, you'll get pretty far with select, collect and commit
<cess11> plus the class and rel functions
<cess11> when your modeling starts to get complex the select predicate and filtering will probably fall into place nicely
<cess11> if you've never used prolog it might feel weird to use pilog at first, if so the match function and some text parsing might be a good intermediary step
<olaf_h> thanks, cess11!
<Regenaxer> Exactly the kind of issues we should talk about
<Regenaxer> I prepare a step-by-step tutorial
<Regenaxer> (The one from pil64 is removed in pil21 because all those demo files need to be included which should not be part of the distro)
<olaf_h> hi regenaxer :-) ah, i see, okay. I will miss all these papers and files :-)
<Regenaxer> :)
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