ChanServ changed the topic of #openvswitch to: Open vSwitch, a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project || FAQ: || OVN meeting Thurs 9:15 am US Pacific || Use for questions if you don't get an answer here. || Channel logs can be found at
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<mmichelson> Hi everyone, it's time to begin the weekly OVN developers' meeting.
<mmichelson> Much like last week, I plan to release ovn 24.09.0 tomorrow. Hopefully we don't have a regression reported on release day again.
<mmichelson> I'll put the patches up for review before the end of my work day.
<mmichelson> Other than that, I've been doing lots o' reviews.
<mmichelson> That's all for me.
<mmichelson> Is anyone else here and wanting to give an update?
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<mmichelson> I think I'm the only one here today...
<numans> I just joined
<imaximets> Sorry, I'm a little late.
<imaximets> Though I just got back from PTO and have nothing to report.
<mmichelson> imaximets, ack
<mmichelson> numans, got an update?
<numans> I don't have anything on OVN :)
<mmichelson> lol
<mmichelson> OK
<mmichelson> I suppose the meeting is done, then :)
<mmichelson> That was a quick one.
<imaximets> :)
<mmichelson> Bye everyone!
<numans> Bye
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<imaximets> Thanks! Bye.
* dceara missed the meeting..
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