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<mmichelson> Hi everyone it's time to start the OVN developers' meeting.
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<mkalcok> o/
<mmichelson> Tomorrow is the scheduled release of 24.09.0. I plan to put the release patches up for review before I end work today.
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<mmichelson> If anyone has any reason to delay the release, please let me know.
<mmichelson> I'm planning to try to get reviewed and merged before release.
<mmichelson> Other than that, I'm not aware of anything else that would be good to get in.
<mmichelson> And that's all I wanted to say for my update.
<mmichelson> Who would like to go next?
<_lore_> hi all
<_lore_> I can go next, quite fast
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<mmichelson> _lore_, go for it
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<_lore_> this week I worked on a PoC for ecmp_nexthop series that has been reverted, working on a different approach
<_lore_> actually what we need to do is to resolve the L2 address of the nexthop in order to 'link' the ecmp route to the committed CT entry
<_lore_> I implemented it, added some tests
<_lore_> it seems to work, execpt for a corner case rised by dumitru
<_lore_> so far I just implemented IPv4
<_lore_> I think I will post it upstream for reviews
<_lore_> execpt it, I posted a fix for DHCPv4 today
<_lore_> that's all from my side
<mmichelson> Thanks _lore_
<mmichelson> Who's next?
<mkalcok> I can give a quick update
<mkalcok> I've been off at the end of the month, so not much progress, but before I left I noticed two potential issues with periodic RAs from LRP
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<mkalcok> One is that if the router does not have any prefixes to share, but configures periodic RAs, the controller fails to generate them because it tries to parse the empty string of the "prefixes" into IP adresses
<mkalcok> I hope to find some time to look into it
<mkalcok> thats all from my side
<zhouhan> May I go next
<mmichelson> THanks mkalcok
<mmichelson> zhouhan, go right ahead
<zhouhan> I am still working on the HW offload related issue. I am going to do more testing and then reply to Dumitru and Tim regarding the alternatives.
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<zhouhan> Regarding the proposal of having CI in our downstream for HW offload related test against upstream patches, I am discussing with team and it seems positive.
<zhouhan> We will need to figure out more details on how to do it.
<zhouhan> That's it from me.
<mmichelson> Thanks zhouhan
<mmichelson> Anyone else?
<mmichelson> (I know that dceara, amusil, imaximets, and numans are all out today)
<shibir-basak> May I follow up on a review request here?
<mmichelson> shibir-basak, sure, go right ahead.
<shibir-basak> Last time Dumitru had added some comments. I have raised a v2 patch addressing all.
<shibir-basak> Shall request folks to add their valuable comments :)
<mmichelson> OK thanks for the feedback shibir-basak
<mmichelson> Anyone else?
<mmichelson> OK, I guess that's everyone then. Have a great day everyone
<mmichelson> bye!
<mkalcok> thanks, bye \o
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<_lore_> bye
<zhouhan> bye
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