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<mmichelson> Hi everyone, it's time to begin the OVN developers' meeting.
<dceara> Hi
<fnordahl> o/
<zhouhan> hi
<mmichelson> I can give the first update. Like last week, it's been review-heavy. If zhouhan is present today, I'd like to ask about
<mmichelson> We have a situation where _lore_ is currently on holiday, and he won't be back for about another week.
<zhouhan> Yes, I am here. Somehow that link is not accessible to me
<dceara> mmichelson, wrong link? :)
<mmichelson> yeah whoops
<mmichelson> That's the one :)
<mmichelson> (I selected the text but didn't ctrl+c)
<mmichelson> But anyway, _lore_ is out and can't address review comments. Would it be possible to put the patch in as-is, with the idea that the recommended updates get merged prior to release?
<zhouhan> I see, the patch is almost there, just a O(n) iteration needs a hash index (or just sset)
<mmichelson> The big thing here is that this particular patch blocks this series:
<mmichelson> And that is a pretty important bugfix/enhancement.
<zhouhan> Understand, I think that should be fine, if there are not too many BFD entries.
<zhouhan> We can add the index later
<mmichelson> ack. And even if there are, we can get the optimization in before release.
<mmichelson> OK great. That's all from me.
<mmichelson> Who would like to give the next update?
<dceara> I can go next I guess.
<mmichelson> go ahead dceara
<dceara> After some review rounds we managed to get the ACL sampling feature merged, thanks everyone for reviews!
<dceara> Now there's an ongoing discussion with Martin and Vladislav about the BGP "redirect" option.
<dceara> The TL/DR is that Martin has a v5 almost ready that would work well enough as an experimental feature. Just that aside from mmichelson's RFC we have no definition of "experimental". :)
<dceara> Should we merge the RFC too (or a formal version of it) in 24.09?
<mmichelson> I think we can merge the RFC. I can add a follow-up in the FAQ that addresses your concern dceara
<dceara> Ack, thanks.
<mmichelson> The follow-up would be something like "How are features marked experimental?"
<dceara> Perfect!
<mmichelson> I don't think the "experimental" documentation change needs to make it in before branching, IMO.
<mmichelson> So if we can get Martin's patch in, mark it experimental, and then we can get the Documentation change in after.
<dceara> Sounds good, thanks!
<dceara> Aside from that I've reviewed a couple more patches. I'm waiting on a V8 of the "drop textual representation" patch ( but I expect to be able to ack it soon.
<dceara> I think that's it from my side, thanks!
<dceara> Oh one more thing, I posted a patch to pin ovn-kube CI to their release branch instead of master.
<dceara> It's permafailing since last night.
<mmichelson> oof
<dceara> Now that's really it, thanks! :)
<mmichelson> OK thanks dceara
<mmichelson> Who's next?
<imaximets> May I?
<mmichelson> go ahead imaximets
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<imaximets> I don't have much on OVN side. Did some reviews.
<mkalcok> (soory for joining late, lost track of time)
<imaximets> That's all, I guess. :) Can't remember much else.
<mmichelson> Thanks imaximets. Who would like to go next?
<mmichelson> mkalcok, I do it all the time :)
<zhouhan> I can go quicklyu
<mmichelson> zhouhan, go for it
<zhouhan> I have been reviewing bfd I-P patch and Numan's centrailized routing patch
<zhouhan> I am waiting for a follow up patch for Numan's patch
<zhouhan> Also merged my ovn-encap-ip-default patch. Thanks numan for review.
<zhouhan> I will try to look at more patches today and tomorrow
<zhouhan> That's it from me
<mmichelson> Thanks zhouhan
<mmichelson> who would like to give the next update?
<fnordahl> I have a quick update: good follow-up discussion with amusil on path forward for BGP work next cycle, and other than that downstream stuff
<fnordahl> That's it for me
<mmichelson> Thanks fnordahl.
<mmichelson> Anyone else?
<mkalcok> I could do one
<mkalcok> I've been discussing the BGP/BFD redirecting with dceara and Vladislav. I'm close to posting v5 after updates to docs/tests, that should hopef
<mkalcok> ully address the issues discovered during the discussion
<mkalcok> thanks dceara for the patience with the review. I know it's been a long discussion.
<zhouhan> mmichelson: I just acked for _lore_'s bfd I-P patch. Let me know if you will merge it or you want me to do it.
<mmichelson> zhouhan, I can do it.
<dceara> mkalcok, sorry for not reviewing it earlier..
<mmichelson> mkalcok, we discussed your patch a bit earlier in the meeting before you joined.
<mmichelson> The idea is that we can merge it as "experimental" and my documentation change about what experimental means can also be merged for 24.09
<mkalcok> mmichelson, oh, great to hear, I'll try to post the v5 asap :) thanks for the recap
<mmichelson> mkalcok, great, thanks.
* dceara disappears early, bye everyone
<mmichelson> mkalcok, were you done with your update?
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<mkalcok> oh yeah, all from me, sry
<mmichelson> ok cool
<mmichelson> anybody else?
<zhouhan> related to experimental, Numan and I also agreed about marking the centrailized routing experimental and hopefully remove the option completely in the future.
<mmichelson> OK
<mmichelson> I guess nobody else wants to give an update. Thanks everyone and have a good day.
<mmichelson> Bye!
<fnordahl> \o cheers!
<zhouhan> thanks, bye
<imaximets> Thanks! Bye.
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<mkalcok> thanks, bye o/
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