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<racosta> Hi imaximets, how are you?
<racosta> I found an issue with deleting datapath_binding row but I don't know how to solve it without touching ovn-sb.ovsschema
<imaximets> Hi
<imaximets> What's the issue?
<racosta> Basically, since the tunney_key is updated when we create a transit-switch, the deletion process fail when we have ovsdbapp clients monitoring the Datapath_Binding table
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<racosta> The tunnel_key is index of this table: "indexes": [["tunnel_key"]],
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<racosta> I see something like this in the log of the app connected to SB-DB via ovsdbapp: "2024-05-27 08:31:01.380 13427 ERROR ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.connection [-] Datapath_Binding(uuid=UUID('2c737e09-7b76-4c7f-8855-b25d0096fe10'), tunnel_key=16711682, load_balancers=[], external_ids={}) not in list: ValueError: Datapath_Binding(uuid=UUID('2c737e09-7b76-4c7f-8855-b25d0096fe10'), tunnel_key=16711682, load_balancers=[], external_ids={})
<racosta> not in list"
<racosta> I removed the index from the Datapath_Binding table and the error stopped...
<racosta> Do you have any ideas to solve it without changing the DB schema?
<imaximets> It sounds like ovsdbapp is trying to remove an element from a local cache that is not there. Doesn't sound like some issue in ovsdbapp rather in a database.
<imaximets> Do you know what ovsdbapp is doing?
<imaximets> s/Doesn't sound/Sounds like/ :)
<imaximets> Schema change might have just forced ovsdbapp to drop and re-create the cache.
<racosta> I put some debugs in the ovsdbapp connection backend and I see that the deletion is triggering this exception:
<racosta> I imagine that the problem is not related to the local cache because I restart the process to perform a row sync and it still shows an error when deleting.
<imaximets> Does this datapath binding exist in the database?
<racosta> Yes, the row exists and was updated with the UPDATE for the new tunnel_key...
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<imaximets> Does it complain about the old or a new tunnel key?
<racosta> imaximets, please take a look at this example:
<racosta> The Datapath_binding row 2c737e09-7b76-4c7f-8855-b25d0096fe10 is created, updated with the new tunnel_key... and then deleted when I type the ts-del command...
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<racosta> imaximets, a new example including the OVSDB transactions:
<imaximets> racosta, hmm, I think python-idl is missing the index update when indexed columns change.
<racosta> yep, it probably expects the table indexes not to change.
<racosta> This issue affects neutron-server, neutron-ovn-metadata-agent, and everyone using python-idl, when the tunnel_key is updated and then deleted.
<imaximets> Yeah, it will affect everyone...
<imaximets> *does
<racosta> Do you think this should be fixed on the python-idl side or in the OVN SB-DB schma db so as not to index this table by tunnel_key?
<imaximets> It must be fixed in python-idl. Database and the schema are correct.
<imaximets> The following may work as a quick'n'dirty solution:
<imaximets> but it needs refinement.
<imaximets> racosta, could you send a report to ovs-discuss? I'll work on a proper patch for the idl.
<racosta> Sure, thank you so much!
<imaximets> Np. Thanks!
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