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<Guest81> do we have support for imx rt500 series for openocd
<PaulFertser> What is the CPU core there?
<karlp> hrm, doe we have any imxrt support?
<PaulFertser> If it's cortex-m why wouldn't it work?
<karlp> I'm only talking about falsh support,
<PaulFertser> Flash support is a different story...
<karlp> yes, but, as you _know_ if someone says "is blah supported" they realllllly mean "can I both debug and flash it"
<karlp> I _know_ those are separate, but that's not normally of interest to people outside openocd
<karlp> also, we don't have clear simply "just give me cortex debug" with out of the box files, you ahve to make your own config file for it anyway.
<PaulFertser> Cortex debug is becoming more and more complex unfortunately
<Guest81> for imxrt595 cortex m33 is used
<PaulFertser> Guest81: and are you talking about debug or changing flash contents too?
<Guest81> my query is regarding flashing the application through openocd (command line)
<Guest81> to rt595 board
<PaulFertser> I see you created a ticket on
<PaulFertser> Normally the ticketing system is meant to report issues, not to request support.
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<PaulFertser> Guest81: does it not have a ROM bootloader you could use for flashing?
<Guest81> for flashing the command in openocd, we use this command openocd -f interface/[your_interface_config].cfg -f target/[your_target_config].cfg -c "program [your_binary].bin reset exit"    so for rt595 which target file and interface file can I use?
<karlp> Guest81: where are you getting that from? :) it's ... correct, but someone gave it to you?
<Guest81> I have got it from google
<karlp> looks like sysprogs fork has added imxrt, but they never bothered to give it back...
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<karlp> would never work for upstream.
* karlp shrugs
<karlp> you could use your fork, but talk to them for support then.
<Guest81> in interface folder imx-native.cfg file is present have, mentioned that in  interface folder and from target folder imrt.cfg file
<Guest81> but was facing issue as
<Guest81>  Error: 15 109 adapter.c:456 handle_adapter_driver_command(): The specified debug interface was not found (imx_gpio)
<Guest81> Debug: 16 118 command.c:541 run_command(): Command 'adapter driver' failed with error code -101
<Guest81> User : 17 124 command.c:613 command_run_line(): The following debug adapters are available:
<Guest81> 1: parport
<Guest81> 2: dummy
<Guest81> 3: ftdi
<Guest81> 4: usb_blaster
<Guest81> 5: esp_usb_jtag
<Guest81> 6: jtag_vpi
<Guest81> 7: ft232r
<Guest81> 8: amt_jtagaccel
<Guest81> 9: gw16012
<Guest81> 10: presto
<Guest81> 11: usbprog
<Guest81> 12: openjtag
<Guest81> 13: jlink
<karlp> no, stop.
<karlp> there's no flash support for imxrt anything in current usptream master openocd.
<karlp> please don't paste big walls of command output to chat,
<karlp> if you must, use a paste service of some description
<Guest81> okay
<karlp> the _interfaace_ is exactly that, jlink, ftdi, cmsis-dap, whatever.
<Guest81> so we dont have support for imxrt right?
<karlp> imxnative is for using an IMX's native gpios as a jtag/swd interface.
<karlp> there's no support for flashing them.
<karlp> debug will work fine.
<karlp> in current upstream openocd.
<Guest81> for debug can we use cmsis-dap interface and target file as imxrt, will it works?
<karlp> you have to make your own "target" file for it yes. somethign like this:
<karlp> thats another target that we dont' have flash support for, but it can be debugged.
<karlp> you probably want a different CPUTAPID, but it will probably actually _work_ without it.
<Guest81> are you telling that imxrt doesnt have flash support, it has only debug support?
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<karlp> I'm doing some heavy "read_memory" calls via the rpc interface, doing my own ~rtt sort of thing, and it's absolutely spammmmming the console, both inside gdb, and the openocd console promptcan I make that stop?
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<zapb_> karlp, why not using real rtt?
<karlp> I use that already, it's great.
<karlp> you might have missed it earlier, I've got MTB dumped out over the rpc interrface, and feeding it to ortbtop.
<karlp> it was _much_ easier to hack that up in a python socket server rather than making a beautiful multi client rtt style interface in C inside openocd.
<karlp> I mean, I still prefer swo when I have a "real" cortex ;)
<karlp> but I'm quite pleased with how the rtt stuff works in openocd
<karlp> PaulFertser: you'll be happy to hear that work now has an enterprise github account, it's moving forwards....
<PaulFertser> karlp: indeed good to hear! :)
<karlp> we're still in a bit of limbo because someone, (I believe a well meaning, but forgetful ex employee) is holding a github account name that they're trying to reassign to us.
<karlp> there are circles going on there, and it's out of my hands, but that's where current effort is going. my plan then is to just start pushing forks there.
<karlp> and try and extract patches and push up as I can.
<PaulFertser> So glad to hear your new job understands the importance of contributing and that apparently it's all fun enough to you.
<karlp> it's not, management is completely incompetent :)
<karlp> but I didn't have a lot of options and it's sufficient for now :)
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