<deepspacejohn> I'm playing with Vg for the first time, and I feel like I'm going crazy in that my transforms aren't working. I looked at the SVG output, and it's printing an attribute `transform="transform(...` but I'm pretty certain that `transform` isn't an SVG transform function, and this should be `matrix` instead. Manually changing the SVG to use `matrix` does work as expected. Am I missing something, or is this a bug in Vg? https://erratique.ch/r
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how would you capture this expression in Ctypes? `#define SIZE sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)`
it's not a constant; sysconf() is a function. It's not an lvalue, so `foreign_value` doesn't work. it's not callable, so `foreign` doesn't work
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<reynir1396> So I can write `let[@warning "-8"] [] = Option.to_list None in 1` to mute a partial match in a let-binding. Can I do that in binding operators (e.g. `let+`)??
<reynir1396> `let[@warning "-8"]+ [] = Lwt.return (Option.to_list None) in 1` and `let+[@warning "-8"] [] = Lwt.return (Option.to_list None) in 1` are both syntax errors /o\
<darrenldl> sleepydog: i vaguely recall using c stubs when dealing with C preprocessor magic/nonsense
<darrenldl> setting up c stubs pipeline was a bit painful from recollection, might be easier these days
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darrenldl: i'm using cstubs. it's actually not too bad with dune
<darrenldl> when you say capture, do you mean getting SIZE to ocaml's side?
<darrenldl> I think I just did `int size = SIZE;` or something like that in the c stubs file
oh, you mean you wrote an actuall C stub? ah
sorry, i misunderstood. i'm using the c stub generation that Ctypes provides
<darrenldl> yeah, kind of a must for allowing static linking and working with somewhat complex lib (lxc)
ctypes stub generation can be statically linked, too. it also generates some helpful checks like making sure a constant is a constant.
yea, i could write my own stub. i was hoping to avoid writing C by hand but it might be more trouble than its worth
<darrenldl> > ctypes stub generation can be statically linked, too.
<darrenldl> oh
<darrenldl> elp
i guess i could also call sysconf from ocaml myself. reimplement the macro
<darrenldl> yeah no i get headache reading my repo from 5 years ago, giving up
<darrenldl> apparently i wrote a generator to generate a C stubs generator C code that generates the C stubs, cause the generation itself relied on some C values
yea, i'm going to power through this project and stick with ctypes, but i think in the future my bar will be higher to reach for it
i actually *like* writing C, so avoiding it is less of an appeal for me
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<darrenldl> i think i kinda see the logic, and can work out what i was trying to do if it isn't 2am. anyway, in case it's of use: <https://github.com/darrenldl/ocaml-lxc>
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