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hi, is it possible to define a general 'a -> 'b without Obj.magic?
<otini_> safely? No. Unsafely? Yes
<otini_> ```ocaml
<otini_> external f : 'a -> 'b = "%identity"
<otini_> ```
<otini_> (litterally the definition of Obj.magic)
okay, you got me, but that's the definition of Obj.magic :)
<otini_> otherwise a function of this polymorphic type is not definable
thank you for confirming that
<otini_> by Curry-Howard it would be a theorem that given a proposition A you can prove any other one
I actually want to implement a ?key:('a -> 'b) -> 'a Seq.t -> 'a Seq.t, or something like it, which just prevents a Seq.t from containing successive elements that map to equal values according to the key function
<otini_> ah, that’s completely possible
it works, but it has ?(key = Obj.magic) as a default, and that's too scary
<otini_> It could have been ?(key =
<otini_> less scary
I tried ?(key =, but then the type of key is inferred to be ('a -> 'a) option
but I want to accept key functions that map to a different type, I just need to be able to use (=) on that type
<otini_> right, what I said doesn’t work
<otini_> well, polymorphic equality is a bit unsafe anyway
here's my example code, it works if you replace with Obj.magic:
<otini_> ideally you would have ?key:('a -> 'b) -> ?equal:('b -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a Seq.t -> 'a Seq.t, or even just ?equal, so you don’t need to use polymorphic equality
what makes polymorphic equality unsafe?
Function equality is not defined
<otini_> you need it to behave the right way for all key types that you may use
<otini_> so you couldn’t have functions as keys as octachron said, or use a more involved notion of equality than (=) (such as some custom equivalence)
so it's unsafe in the sense of unpredictability, because I'm not explicit about what equality means for this type, rather than memory unsafety in the Obj.magic sense?
Obj.magic doesn't exist.
I'll be happy to forget about it, if I can remove it from this function :)
It is unsafe in the sense that it can raise an exception, and it is only a meaningful equality for some types
You can make the key a mandatory argument
<otini_> it may also not terminate on cyclic structures
with a simpler function specialized for the `` case
<otini_> ^
you make some good points, I'll add an ?equal
but supposing I check that (=) is appropriate (for int), a ~key:String.length argument could still be more readable than ~equal:(fun a b -> String.length a = String.length b)
I know I could have different code paths depending on whether a non-defaulted ?key contains a None, but just to clarify: there is no default value I could set to save a code path?
or maybe differently:
utop # let f: 'a -> 'b = fun x -> x;;
val f : 'b -> 'b = <fun>
* kron
has hurt itself in its confusion
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otini_, octachron: thank you for your time and help, I'll do more AoC and forget about Obj.magic :)
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<otini_> >but supposing I check that (=) is appropriate (for int), a ~key:String.length argument could still be more readable than ~equal:(fun a b -> String.length a = String.length b)
<otini_> kron: it could be ~key:String.length ~key_equal:Int.equal
<otini_> (or ~key_equal:(=), same thing in this case)
<otini_> annotating with : 'a -> 'b only requires that there exists two types 'a and 'b such that f is of type 'a -> 'b
<otini_> which is true of the identity, for 'a = 'b 😉
<otini_> to avoid that you can explicitly quantify a type variable universally:
<otini_> ```
<otini_> # let f : 'a 'b. 'a -> 'b = fun x -> x;;
<otini_> Error: This definition has type 'c. 'c -> 'c which is less general than
<otini_> 'a 'b. 'a -> 'b
<otini_> ```
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having the type of the comparison change depending on whether an argument was passed was the initial mistake
a separate dedup_on with a non-optional key function, and then a dedup that calls it with works just fine
(or at least, I couldn't figure out how to make the key function optional)
<otini_> good
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<barconstruction> @otini_ @kron
<barconstruction> I object to the use of Curry-Howard here. Unlike Coq or the simply typed lambda calculus OCaml is a Turing complete programming language and is such "inconsistent".
<barconstruction> All types in OCaml are inhabited. In particular the type `'a -> 'b` is inhabited by
<barconstruction> ```ocaml
<barconstruction> let rec f (a: 'a) : 'b = f a`
<barconstruction> ```
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<deepspacejohn> how often does update? I feel like every time I use it, half of the links to code are 404'd or for outdated line numbers.