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<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> Is it possible to include concrete module on OCaml interface?
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> ```ocaml
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> module M = struct type t end
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> module M': sig include M end = M
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> ```
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> In such a way that M.t and M.t' are equal?
<companion_cube> `: module type of M` mayeb
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> nope tried that, it get's a copy
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> my problem is that on my ml I'm doing `include M`
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> and I need to reexport it
<companion_cube> so `module M' : module type of M = M` doesn't work? hu
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> nope
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> ```ocaml
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> module M = struct type t end
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> module M' : module type of M = M
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS>
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> let f (v : M.t) : M'.t = v
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> ```
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> because module type of get's an instance of the module type without pointing to the real type
<companion_cube> hmm, on a recent OCaml?
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> 4.12
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> so the module type `t` is actually an abstract type
<companion_cube> erf
<companion_cube> `: sig include module type of M end` ? :p
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> nope UHSAHUUHO
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> will just do alias for now, as `module M = M` is a thing
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> but now everything looks ugly, sad
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> `Types_410.Types`
<d_bot> <NULL> `module M' : module type of M with type t = M.t = M` seems to work
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> yes but then I would need to do this for every type and when it's a lot of types it get's really annoying, in my case I'm doing it with `types.mli` from OCaml
<companion_cube> there's a point I start using explicit module types
<d_bot> <NULL> [it's supposed to be "gets", I don't know why you add the apostrophe]
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<d_bot> <mnxn> ```ocaml
<d_bot> <mnxn> module M = struct type t end
<d_bot> <mnxn> module M' : module type of struct include M end = M
<d_bot> <mnxn>
<d_bot> <mnxn> let f (v : M.t) : M'.t = v
<d_bot> <mnxn> ```
<d_bot> <mnxn> this compiles for me
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<d_bot> <mnxn> can't remember what this is called exactly, but using the `include` inside of a `struct ... end` preserves the type equalities
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<d_bot> <mnxn> ```ocaml
<d_bot> <mnxn> # module M = struct type t end ;;
<d_bot> <mnxn> module M : sig type t end
<d_bot> <mnxn>
<d_bot> <mnxn> # module M1 : module type of M = M ;;
<d_bot> <mnxn> module M1 : sig type t end
<d_bot> <mnxn>
<d_bot> <mnxn> # module M2 : module type of struct include M end = M ;;
<d_bot> <mnxn> module M2 : sig type t = M.t end
<d_bot> <mnxn> ```
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> Oh that makes sense
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> Thanks @mnxn
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> I hadn't noticed the change
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<d_bot> <octachron> For information, this is called type strengthening (in the compiler and articles on the OCaml's module system).
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<olle> 0.0
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<d_bot> <carmysilna> Can sedlex be used with menhir instead of ocamllex?
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<d_bot> <octachron> Yes.
<d_bot> <carmysilna> cool. unicode support is important imo
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<olle> About separation of concern
<olle> How many grades of separation are there?
<olle> Or, degrees.
<Corbin> In Turing-complete languages, only two; either two chunks of code are isolated from each other, or they can possibly reach each other. Some formulations come with candidate metrics (Wang tiles have distance in the plane, for example) but I'm not sure that the triangle inequality is always satisfied.
<olle> Corbin: You're assuming it's the same code base :) They can also communicate via HTTP or sockets.
<Corbin> olle: That's not composition of programs; those concerns are *always* separated.
<olle> I was thinking also sharing mutable or immutable state. Maybe I talked about this already.
<olle> Corbin: Well, you can share mutable state by using the same database too.
<Corbin> Sharing mutable state would be a violation of isolation, and so they would not be separated. Sharing immutable state is an optimization known as "work sharing" and can't be observed.
<olle> Well, that's why I'm talking about *degrees* of separation. :)
<Corbin> olle: No, operating across The Network is not composition of programs. Type systems cannot be extended across The Network, because everything is reduced to bytestrings. The CAP and FLP theorems prevent us from relying on messages to return from The Network.
<olle> The what theorems?
<Corbin> If this is the same concept that you were talking about in #proglangdesign, then no, there aren't degrees.
<olle> You ever heard about microservice architecture? :)
<Corbin> CAP is a two-out-of-three statement about service availability: FLP is the formal version of the Two Generals problem:
<Corbin> Yeah, I've professionally done k8s. Composition of objects within a k8s cluster is *declarative* and does not actually guarantee the instantiation of containerized processes; the processes themselves are not actually composed, just the k8s representations.
<olle> For sure there are degrees.
<Corbin> Chapter 10 of starts on p93 and defines isolation as a property of code which is loaded into a process so that it can be executed. The formal statement is daunting, but it's enough to know that the simply-typed lambda calculi are isolated by default.
<Corbin> In those languages, there's only three ways for code to become connected to other code. We can create subordinate objects, we can be passed new objects as parameters during calls, and we can be born/created with object references already in hand. Those are the only ways.
<Corbin> (Really all of this should be in #proglangdesign but you've split the conversation across multiple channels.)
<olle> I like to see what different communities think. Not all OCaml users are there.
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<neiluj> Hi! Do you know any ocaml project that has set up automatic documentation release with Gitlab CI?
<Fardale> neiluj: containers does it
<Fardale> sorry for github
<neiluj> no problem, thanks, it may not be that much different after all
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<neiluj> how do you render .mld files with odoc?
<neiluj> I'd also like to override the main index.html entry point with additional content from an .mld file
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<jsoo> xxxccderrrffv vfffrrttggbyyyyyyyyyhhn
<companion_cube> yes
<Corbin> Aw! We love you too, jsoo's cat!
<d_bot> <Kakadu> It looks like somebody implemented posting the (partial) output of js_of_ocaml compiler to IRC...
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<d_bot> <Kakadu> Ah, wait, it is not a valid javascript...
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<d_bot> <Ulugbek> oh, it must be a js-jsoo source map 😛
<neiluj> is it possible to chop some prefix modules?
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<abrenon> hello
<neiluj> o/
<abrenon> I just tried to send a mail to as advised by and got a permanent error
<abrenon> has the list recently moved ?
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<abrenon> or are special permissions required to be able to post maybe ?
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<abrenon> could anyone suggest another way to discuss a general query about opam ?
<companion_cube> on discuss I imagine
<abrenon> ok thanks, I'll create an account then
<hannes> on discuss, or in the issue tracker
<abrenon> but does this mean the mailing list has been abandoned ? I didn't receive any message since I signed up last week
<abrenon> github won't do, sorry
<hannes> you may as well ask that on discuss or on the issue tracker -- i guess opam development team does not read irc (or is on vacation)
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<abrenon> thank you for your answers !
<abrenon> I'll try discuss
<Anarchos> what is the status of dypgen ?
<companion_cube> same as last time, Anarchos
<companion_cube> you're the only one to care
<Anarchos> companion_cube what a shame, it is a wonderful tool !
<Anarchos> landmarks seems abandoned too
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<neiluj> companion_cube, hi, trying to understand how you generate the index page for the containers library:
<neiluj> do you call to copy the txt file in the final generated documentation?
<companion_cube> this is dead code I think 😅
<companion_cube> the list of modules is done by odoc
<neiluj> ah right
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<neiluj> trying to figure out how to add some .mld files in the generated odoc docs
<neiluj> any tip welcome :)
<companion_cube> not sure I ever got that to work :s
<neiluj> seems like odoc uses this:
<neiluj> not sure if it's relevant though
<companion_cube> wonder what version of dune this requires
<neiluj> oh yeah, it doesn't work, with dune 2.9.0, at least
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<neiluj> huh my bad, it works!
<neiluj> damn it's soo cool
<malc> dune - Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes
<companion_cube> ah cool neiluj
<companion_cube> the problem is how to link to it, now :D
<neiluj> oh it works out of the box
<companion_cube> I mean, if you add pages
<companion_cube> you need to link to them somehow
<companion_cube> and I don't want to destroy the automatically generated intro.html :/
<neiluj> the mld are automatically translated to html
<neiluj> I just need to upload these html files to gitlab pages
<neiluj> heck, even replaces the index.html
<neiluj> *.mld
<companion_cube> yes but then you can't generte the list of modules
<companion_cube> because there is no odoc command for it..
<neiluj> indeed...
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