A quick test at toplevel seems to work just fine; it produces types with names like '_weak1 which I'm guessing is related to however this was fixed.
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<NULL> '_weak1 is a weak polymorphic type variable; it isn't the same as 'a
Wonderful, thanks. This limitation seems acceptable and reasonable to me, and it's cool to see the different ways to work around it.
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<dj charlie> anyone have issues with hashtbl without making a string version of it with a functor? some values aren't being added
<dj charlie> could swear this is the hashing function
<dj charlie> ah nevermind found out that this something else
<sarna> hey, how do you compose results in OCaml? I'd like to end up with something similar to a stack trace (this error caused by that, caused by the other thing)
<sarna> hmm, that's certainly the simplest option I haven't considered
<sarna> I'd really like to do this with result types though, is it possible?
Then I don't know :)
<yberreby> I don't think you could recover context information if it wasn't provided at the time the error was raised / re-raised, either through explicitly wrapping it in a result type, or through the stack trace as @olle said
<Emiyo> Is this matrix bridge ?
<sarna> theoretically I could do this like in go, and make errors wrap other errors
<yberreby> that's the way the Rust community handles the problem, and its error handling approach was heavily inspired by OCaml
<sarna> can we be inspired by Rust in turn?
<sarna> irc
<yberreby> why not? The type systems share a lot of similarities
Why manually do exceptions when we have exceptions? Exceptions are fine in GC systems.
<sarna> I'm writing an application, Rust has crates like `anyhow` for this use case. is there any OCaml library that can help me here?
<sarna> but exhaustiveness :(
That's right, you won't get that until typed effects are in place.
You *can* catch exceptions in match-expressions tho
<sarna> with typed effects I'll be able to get exhaustive checks using exceptions?
Exception is a special case of an effect
<yberreby> I can't answer that, I'm just going back to OCaml after setting it aside for a couple years and I'm still rather unfamiliar with the 3rd-party ecosystem
<sarna> I mean my main issue with that is that I don't know what can throw and when, and with that I feel like I lose a lot from the static typing benefits
<sarna> I see, same here!
<sarna> Rust panics rarely (I feel) but a lot of stuff can throw exceptions in OCaml
<yberreby> That being said, I came here with a question of my own... I'm trying to wrap my head around the limitations of generics with higher-order functions. I would like to retain the genericity of a closure passed to another function; late binding of a type variable, basically?
<yberreby> I'd like an example like this to work out:
<yberreby> ```ocaml
<yberreby> let id (x : 'a) : 'a = x ;;
<yberreby> let foo (f : ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string) : string =
<yberreby> f string_of_int [1; 2]
<yberreby> ^ f id ["a"; "b"]
<yberreby> ;;
<yberreby> ```
<yberreby> From my (limited) understanding, I guess the first use of `f` specializes its type signature in the body of the function?
<yberreby> Yup, `panic`s in Rust are idiomatically reserved for unrecoverable errors
<sarna> ah, also - I can't use exceptions, as `bos` doesn't have `_exn` equivalents for functions that return results haha
yberr, you might need to add the `type 'a.` blaha thingy to enforce proper polymorphism
sarna, the old parts of stdlib uses exn for "normal" code flow. it's being replaced by _opt versions of same functions.
yberreby: or something like: type t = { f : 'a. ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string }
<yberreby> I tried, but this still will not compile:
<yberreby> ```ocaml
<yberreby> let foo : 'a. (('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string) -> string = fun f ->
<yberreby> f string_of_int [1; 2]
<yberreby> ^ f id ["a"; "b"]
<yberreby> ;;
<yberreby> ```
<yberreby> If you're trying to get context on errors raised outside of your own code, without exceptions, I'm not sure that's possible?
<sarna> ah, you gave me an idea. I forgot that I could wrap `bos` errors in my own errors, they'd always be at the end of the error chain so I don't need *them* to wrap anything
<yberreby> Thank you, I saw this solution in the OCaml manual on higher-rank polymorphism, but I wasn't sure how idiomatic this was
<sarna> I'll try doing this and see if it works out. thanks @yberreby!
<yberreby> Yes, if the "stack trace" of sorts you want pertains to your own codebase, that seems most logical to me
<yberreby> Glad I could be of some help!
<yberreby> I wonder, is having to resort to universally-quantified record fields considered OK or are there plans to extend the type system so as not to need this workaround?
I don't see why record field would be needed there. kakadu
olle: 1) It looks like guy needs non-prenex polymorphism for `f` 2) The solution with explicit 'a doesn't work for me:)
Oh yeah
<yberreby> I can confirm that your solution works just fine, kakadu, ty
<yberreby> I feel a bit dirty having to wrap my functions in records like this, but at least there's a solution that doesn't require taking the same callback several time with different type variables...
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I think without wrapping to the record the type inference wouldn't be able to genereate the most general type, so...
Stupid type inference
Just use ADT ;)
<yberreby> Does ADT have another meaning than Abstract Data Types here?
<yberreby> Ah!
<yberreby> You mean replacing the type variable with a sum type?
Say what you mean
<yberreby> I thought about doing something like that at first
<yberreby> but I'm not sure this is really cleaner
<yberreby> I also wonder if changing the signature of the callback so that `'a` becomes a (polymorphic?) variant doesn't just shift the problem to consumers of `foo`
<yberreby> and in both cases, some wrapping will be required to interact with functions that have a type signature with a plain type variable `'a`...
Why does it need to be polymorphic?
<yberreby> I'm not comfortable with them yet, but from what I've seen, they'd be easier to compose if I have many functions with similar-but-not-quite identical signatures using the same variants constructors?
No idea
<yberreby> I mean, you can cast a variant type to a more generic one effortlessly
<yberreby> That seems rather convenient?
How could you cast it?
<yberreby> ```ocaml
<yberreby> let x = `Int 5;;
<yberreby> let y: [> `Int of int | `String of string] = x ;;
<yberreby> ```
Oh, poly variants
<yberreby> Maybe casting isn't the appropriate term here, but the type of `x` and that of `y` are different, one is a subtype of the other, and they interact well
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I'm trying to use standard Str module in a project but `dune build` fails with "No implementations provided for the following modules: Str". Any tips?
Had to add `str` to libraries in dune
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<dinosaure> do you know if it's possible to "serialize" a `Re.t` to an OCaml value such as the output can be compiled by `ocaml`? Like, `let () = Format.printf "%a%!\n" Re.serialize my_re" ;;` and `./serialize.ml > main.ml && ocamlfind opt -package re main.ml`?
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<darrenldl> sounds like an interesting code gen idea
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<rgrinberg> @dinosaure we have a `View` module that exports the AST. With a couple of functions to convert it to an actual regex it might do the job.
<dinosaure> yeah this is what I use ๐
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is it possible to install ocaml on an x86_64 architecture ?
<colin> yes, which platform? tends to be simpler on Linux and BSDs
colin, i am not on linux neither BSD...
<colin> Windows then?
<Alistair> Is there a channel for compiler internals?
<colin> No, but I think the forum would be a good place for that
<colin> (I say "No" but that's just to my knowledge)
<colin> I think Leo White, gasche, etc. are most active there when it comes to discussing the internals
<colin> perhaps also inria's mailing list
colin no windows , i am on Haiku
alistair you can read the compiler internals in the ocaml weekly news too
<colin> I've never heard of Haiku but it falls outside the mainstream (that much is clear) so I don't think you'll be able to find a binary release for opam or whatever
<mseri> I think on haiku you should get ocaml sources and compile them by hand, not sure how feasible it is
<mseri> I think at least the unix library will need extra care
<mseri> Since many signals are different
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<mseri> Probably also lots of lowlevel api will need some special implementation
<mseri> I am curious to see how hard or easy it will be to make at least the bytecode interpreter work
Nix/nixpkgs question: Is there a blessed way to enable e.g. flambda for an entire ocamlPackages at once? I can take this to #nixos if it's off-topic.
mseri ocaml compiles without changes on haiku , on a x86 32bits architecture, but i get error in makefile with x86_64
<mseri> Does it actually work fine? It compiles and runs fine? I guess it is time I have another look at haiku
<mseri> Looks like there have been PRs to fix haiku support that landed in 4.11 (https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/9486) which version was failing for you?
(Solved my issue; I just made my own little `ocamlPackages_flambda` with `flambdaSupport = true;` and now it is compiling a custom ocaml just for me.)
mseri it works fine on their 32bits version. I modified the configure.ac file of ocaml to let it compile on 64bits
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<mseri> Got it thanks, I get slow when itโs late. I hope to find the time to play around with it, I used to like BeOS a lot