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<Bluddy> test
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<companion_cube> yo
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<Bluddy> test
<d_bot> <Bluddy> test
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<Bluddy> test
<d_bot> <Bluddy> ok cool we're upgraded to latest matterbridge version and now connected to
<d_bot> <Shon F> Happy to help! 🙂
<companion_cube> nice!
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<adrien> I think the matrix bridge is up; anyone to try it?
<d_bot> <vinz> It is me, mario !
<vsiles> yep, it works
<vsiles> (or I just don't know what the matrix bridge is :D)
<adrien> it makes it possible to access the network through matrix
<vsiles> oh. Never tried that
<vsiles> too old for testing new protocols, discord is already too fancy for me
<adrien> the bridge is working
<adrien> this hasn't been announced yet so shouldn't be thought of stable right now but it shouldn't be long
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<Fardale[m]> It works!
<Fardale> Yes it does
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<Fardale> adrien: seems to work
<Fardale> adrien: and thank you for organising the transition
<adrien> :)
<adrien> I didn't have to do much :D
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<orbifx> o/
<zozozo> just fyi for irc users, I have a weechat script to automatically rewrite d_bot's messages to make them appear as if it was a regular user with the corresponding nickname:
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<zozozo> (d_bot is the bot linking the irc and discord channels)
<orbifx> alas it is
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<Armael> mmmm your script crashed my weechat
<Armael> (I think it's just that I had upgraded it without restarting it, it seems to be working now)
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<d_bot> <Armael> test?
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<zozozo> so, is it working ?
<Armael> nop
<zozozo> hm.. that's strange.. have you set the regexp ?
<Armael> I just copy pasted your commands
<Armael> but I'm fine with the d_bot messages
<zozozo> ok, for reference, here is what the /format_bridge_bot_output_print-debug command prints on my setup :
<zozozo> then again, I haven't upgraded or restarted weechat in a very long time (at least 2 years I think ?)
<Armael> >Options Group Name: <group_name>
<Armael> ah, I copy-pasted a bit too fast
<zozozo> ^^
<d_bot> <Armael> ok, new test
<Armael> grr
<zozozo> (nicely enough, on my setup I don't see any difference betwen when you talk as an irc user or a discord user, ^^ (maybe I should add in my config a sign to nicknames coming from discord))
<Armael> do you know if there's a way of removing things from the config of the plugin?
<zozozo> such as ?
<Armael> to remove the garbage that I added
<Armael> remove some of the entries that appear in /format_bridge_bot_output_print-debug
<zozozo> there is the /format_bridge_bot_output_remove-group-options which should delete the config you give it
<zozozo> then you can add the correct config
<d_bot> <Armael> ok, I think it should work now
<Armael> yep!
<zozozo> yay !
<Armael> it'd be nice to have a specific color for nicks from discord I guess
<zozozo> if you have any suggestions on how to imrpove the readme to help other not make the same errors, i'm all ears, ^^
<zozozo> I think adding a prefix to discord nicks (hopefully one not used to identify irc ops, :p ), would be enough as it would naturally change the hash of the nick, and thus its color, no ?
<Armael> there could be collisions then
<Fardale> An option is to add [d] at the end, we already have [m] for matrix user
<zozozo> yeah, tbh I just found the script and slightly edited it to fix my needs, I don't know exactly how it interacts with weechat, :p
<Armael> a [d] suffix would be fine as well indeed
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<zozozo> hm... I'm fairly certain i could tweak the python code of my script to do that, but that'd be harcoded, not sure how to add a config option...
<Armael> h a r d c o d e i t
<zozozo> (well.. rather the script I copied rather than "my" script, :p )
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<zozozo> i'll try the hardcoded way this afternoon
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