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<Bluddy> test
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<Bluddy> ok cool we're upgraded to latest matterbridge version and now connected to irc.libera.chat
<Shon F> Happy to help! 🙂
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I think the matrix bridge is up; anyone to try it?
<vinz> It is me, mario !
yep, it works
(or I just don't know what the matrix bridge is :D)
it makes it possible to access the network through matrix
oh. Never tried that
too old for testing new protocols, discord is already too fancy for me
the bridge is working
this hasn't been announced yet so shouldn't be thought of stable right now but it shouldn't be long
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It works!
Yes it does
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adrien: seems to work
adrien: and thank you for organising the transition
I didn't have to do much :D
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just fyi for irc users, I have a weechat script to automatically rewrite d_bot's messages to make them appear as if it was a regular user with the corresponding nickname: https://github.com/Gbury/format_bridge_bot_output
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(d_bot is the bot linking the irc and discord channels)
alas it is
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mmmm your script crashed my weechat
(I think it's just that I had upgraded it without restarting it, it seems to be working now)
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<Armael> test?
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so, is it working ?
hm.. that's strange.. have you set the regexp ?
then again, I haven't upgraded or restarted weechat in a very long time (at least 2 years I think ?)
>Options Group Name: <group_name>
ah, I copy-pasted a bit too fast
<Armael> ok, new test
(nicely enough, on my setup I don't see any difference betwen when you talk as an irc user or a discord user, ^^ (maybe I should add in my config a sign to nicknames coming from discord))
do you know if there's a way of removing things from the config of the plugin?
such as ?
to remove the garbage that I added
remove some of the entries that appear in /format_bridge_bot_output_print-debug
there is the /format_bridge_bot_output_remove-group-options which should delete the config you give it
then you can add the correct config
<Armael> ok, I think it should work now
yay !
it'd be nice to have a specific color for nicks from discord I guess
if you have any suggestions on how to imrpove the readme to help other not make the same errors, i'm all ears, ^^
I think adding a prefix to discord nicks (hopefully one not used to identify irc ops, :p ), would be enough as it would naturally change the hash of the nick, and thus its color, no ?
there could be collisions then
An option is to add [d] at the end, we already have [m] for matrix user
yeah, tbh I just found the script and slightly edited it to fix my needs, I don't know exactly how it interacts with weechat, :p
a [d] suffix would be fine as well indeed
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hm... I'm fairly certain i could tweak the python code of my script to do that, but that'd be harcoded, not sure how to add a config option...
h a r d c o d e i t
(well.. rather the script I copied rather than "my" script, :p )
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i'll try the hardcoded way this afternoon
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