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<benjaminl> hi, really enjoying numbat so far!
<achin> hi, welcome!
<benjaminl> I'm considering making a PR for bitwise operations, but wanted to make sure that's something people would be interested in and that I'm not stepping on anybody else's toes first
<achin> i'm not aware of anyone working on this. are you thinking about bitshifting and bit-wise and/or ?
<benjaminl> yeah, plus bit-wise negation
<achin> you should leave a comment on issue #144 that you want to work on it
<benjaminl> cool, I'll do that
<benjaminl> negation is a little weird because it requires committing to an integer width
<benjaminl> I guess *any* of the bit-wise ops do this when combined with integer negation...
<achin> right shift is probably fine, right?
<achin> numbat will probably gain bigint support at some point
<benjaminl> in most languages, right-shift on signed integers is arithmetic shift, which does sign-extension
<benjaminl> hmm... would it be feasible to have separate "types" for bigint and fixed-size ints?
<benjaminl> numbat current does `bin(-1) = -0b1`, so you could handle arithmetic right shift the same way without exposing the size
<achin> separate types is technically possible, but i'm not sure we'll want that
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<triallax> we can think about bigint when/if we add it imo
<triallax> probably wouldn't allow ~ yeah
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<sharkdp> Anyone here with PWA/service-worker knowledge who could help out in reviewing
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