ThomasWaldmann changed the topic of #moin to: MoinMoin Wiki - release: 1.9.11, alpha: 2.0.0a1 - subscribe to - Just ask/tell AND WAIT. Log:
<pabs3> RogerHaase: in case you read logs, is there a way to limit the Destroy capability to admins?
<pabs3> for the Debian Moin 1.9 wiki, we often have a problem with users accidentally removing attachments and having to recover from backup
RogerHaase has joined #moin
<RogerHaase> Quolt: in, near acls, line 176, replace YOUR-SUPER=USER" in lines with "before='YOUR-SUPER-EDITOR:read,write,create,destroy,admin'," with your name or group name. See
RogerHaase has quit [Quit: Leaving.]