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<Quolt> moin
<RogerHaase> Quolt: moin; If you pull updates from 2 days ago, that should resolve the #1699 problem. You should not have to ever edit the metadata or data files directly. If you delete an item, the deleted item does show up in the search as an item with no name. Deleted items can be recovered. To "delete" an item completely, use Destroy. That will remove all versions of the item from both the data and meta directories and log the event. If you hav
<Quolt> RogerHaase: thank you for the response. I don't understand how to Destroy. Is that in the UI or did I overlook an option in the moin command (e.g. moin index-build)?
<Quolt> Also you were like 5 minutes late right after I wrote a bash script to purge trash files:
<Quolt> :^)
<Quolt> Aaaand... up to date now too.
<RogerHaase> Quolt: When viewing an item the Destroy link is near the botttom of ItemViews. If it is not there then check and give yourself permission to destroy.
<Quolt> Thank you, I've edited the options and I see the Destroy link now.
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