RogerHaase changed the topic of #moin to: MoinMoin Wiki - latest release: moin 1.9.11 - subscribe to - Just ask/tell AND WAIT. Log:
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<kiwi_36> Hello, is there a preferred tool for converting a moinmoin wiki to markdown with links as relative paths?
RogerHaase has joined #moin
<RogerHaase> kiwi_36: if you are willing to install moin2 pre-alpha, then you can import a moin1.9x wiki and convert all items with moinwiki syntax to markdown. "moin import19 <path to old wiki/data> --markup-out markdown"
<RogerHaase> Moin Command Line Interface — MoinMoin 0.1.dev155+ge05469a documentation (
<kiwi_36> RogerHaase: Thanks for the response. I'll look into it :)
<kiwi_36> RogerHaase : If I wanted to do the conversion of a moin wiki page without using moin2, would pandoc be a good alternative?
<RogerHaase> kiwi_36: I don't know about any alternative methods for converting moinwiki to markdown
<kiwi_36> RogerHaase : Thanks for the response :). Let me look into installing moin2 pre-alpha
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