RogerHaase changed the topic of #moin to: MoinMoin Wiki - latest release: moin 1.9.11 - subscribe to - Just ask/tell AND WAIT. Log:
Guest has joined #moin
<Guest> Hello, I need some help installing moin 1.9.11 Desktop.
<Guest> Computer is a Mac Mini M1 CPU, Python 2.7 works.
<Guest> I am actually using moin 1.9.9 for a few years,
<Guest> but would like to upgrade to version 1.9.11.
<Guest> Downloading moin-1.9.11.tar.gz and unpacking it was OK.
<Guest> In the file I added after line 40:
<Guest>     superuser = [u'RudolfReuter', ]
<Guest>     acl_rights_before = u'RudolfReuter:read,write,delete,revert,admin'
<Guest> Then run in terminal:
<Guest> $ python2  (python version 2.7)
<Guest> In the Firefox web browser I entered:
<Guest> The page "LanguageSetup" is displayed, but with message "Protected page"
<Guest> A mouse click on Link: install help and system page packages
<Guest> just brought up the message:
<Guest> Only the super user is allowed to perform this action (translation from German)
<Guest> What am I doing wrong?
Guest58 has joined #moin
Guest has quit [Quit: Client closed]
Guest58 has quit [Client Quit]
Guest has joined #moin
Guest has quit [Client Quit]
Guest has joined #moin
<Guest> Hello, I need some help installing moin 1.9.11 Desktop.
<Guest> Computer is a Mac Mini M1 CPU, Python 2.7 works.
<Guest> I am actually using moin 1.9.9 for a few years,
<Guest> but would like to upgrade to version 1.9.11.
<Guest> Downloading moin-1.9.11.tar.gz and unpacking it was OK.
<Guest> In the file I added after line 40:
<Guest>    superuser = [u'RudolfReuter', ]
<Guest>    acl_rights_before = u'RudolfReuter:read,write,delete,revert,admin'
<Guest> Then run in terminal:
<Guest> $ python2 (python version 2.7)
<Guest> In the Firefox web browser I entered:
<Guest> The page "LanguageSetup" is displayed, but with message "Protected page"
<Guest> A mouse click on Link: install help and system page packages
<Guest> just brought up the message:
<Guest> Only the super user is allowed to perform this action (translation from German)
<Guest> What am I doing wrong?
<Guest> Greetings, Rudi
Guest has quit [Quit: Client closed]
Guest has joined #moin
Guest has quit [Client Quit]
Guest45 has joined #moin
Guest45 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
Guest has joined #moin
Guest has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
Guest has joined #moin
<Guest> Hello, I need some help installing moin 1.9.11 Desktop.
<Guest> Computer is a Mac Mini M1 CPU, Python 2.7 works.
<Guest> I am actually using moin 1.9.9 for a few years,
<Guest> but would like to upgrade to version 1.9.11.
<Guest> Downloading moin-1.9.11.tar.gz and unpacking it was OK.
<Guest> In the file I added after line 40:
<Guest>     superuser = [u'RudolfReuter', ]
<Guest>     acl_rights_before = u'RudolfReuter:read,write,delete,revert,admin'
<Guest> Then run in terminal:
<Guest> $ python2  (python version 2.7)
<Guest> In the Firefox web browser I entered:
<Guest> The page "LanguageSetup" is displayed, but with message "Protected page"
<Guest> A mouse click on Link: install help and system page packages
<Guest> just brought up the message:
<Guest> Only the super user is allowed to perform this action (translation from German)
<Guest> What am I doing wrong?
<Guest> Greetings, Rudi
Guest has quit [Quit: Client closed]
Guest has joined #moin
Guest has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
Guest has joined #moin
Guest has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
Guest has joined #moin
Guest has quit [Quit: Client closed]
<ThomasWaldmann> RudolfReuter needs to log in first (and before that, create that user)