RogerHaase changed the topic of #moin to: MoinMoin Wiki - latest release: moin 1.9.11 - subscribe to - Just ask/tell AND WAIT. Log:
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BrianD has joined #moin
<BrianD> Roger and all, I'd like to see Moin working with SSOs, specifically OpenID Connect.  But it seems the system is strongly oriented to using username and password.  For example handle_login assumes there's a username and password.
<BrianD> Where would you suggest I get started with such a feature?
<BrianD> I plan to add it as per documentation ( as I've done in other projects.
<BrianD> But it's not clear to me what constitutes being logged in.  Is it (session[*] = userobj.*)?
<RogerHaase> BrianD: search the change log history for openid. You should see hits ~ 2018-10-13 where the obsolete and broken openid support was removed. You should also see a change I made ~2015-04-21 -- I think is was working then but seldom used or tested.
RogerHaase has quit [Quit: Leaving.]