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Looks like a sourceforge connection issue, I restarted the failed build again, and now it looks like the nodes successfully downloaded armadillo.
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It's okay @shrit:matrix.org
Thank you @marcusedel:matrix.org
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Did you all see the updated gsoc program ??
Now there is no constraint of being a school/University student
Anyone above 18 can participate
Also 2 types of project 175h and 350h
I think new revamp would be great , will give mentor and contributor both enough time , they could take break and spend the project upto 6 months
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I guess for us nothing really changes, we have done the 175h and 350h projects. The one thing that worries me a little bit is that the projects timeline is dynamic (can be stretched, paused) so the mentor and the contributor (they don't call it student anymore, but did they say contributor?) have to make sure they are available over that period of time.
<jeffin143[m]> "Anyone above 18 can participate..." <- I guess we will only see that in the number of applications, we also have to rank applications now before requesting the slots (we already did that).
hopefully it will not get converted to some kind of consulting were will se people with 25 year of experience
Or even will see more retired people asking to join
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Personally I don't see a problem with that, at the end it's about introducing people to open-source.
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I don't think there will be much changes compared to the past atleast not immediately. Most professionals are busy with their jobs to have time for GSoC. Also this pause feature might backfire causing a lot of unfinished projects, but i guess any kind of progress is good
I guess with the new structure the program is interesting for a person with a full-time job as well, because you can now say I can't work 8 hours a day, can we stretch it and I work 2-4 hours per day.
an error occurred while building mlpack
string_encoding_test.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static class boost::unit_test::unit_test_log_t & __cdecl boost::unit_test::unit_test_log_t::instance(void)" (__imp_?instance@unit_test_log_t@unit_test@boost@@SAAEAV123@XZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl boost... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/d0bec6738cff490595a6824f580a593abcdcaecd)
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Now I'm confused, didn't you build the master branch?
boost tests, this is very old branch
Hm, I guess we should have atleast one person who has Windows as their dev environment
jonpsy: You have windows right?
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You're volunteering? :)
Heavens, no
I was however successful at one point, building it in Windows using Visual Studio
But it's such a drag.. Having to install nuget and all. I did it just because Visual studio has nice fonts :)
I mean, we know it works on Windows, because of the CI (which fails right now due to build time).
The nice thing is that you don't need nuget anymore.
oh no, you chose Windows because it has a good fonts
shrit[m]: Lol yes
no Appveyor is worse
You can just use the auto-downloader.
Afaik, we had Appveyor as our CI right....?
In ensmallen ateast
Yeah, and we moved from their for a proper reason
Yes, some time ago we switched to azure pipelines, because they have 6h build time and more memory.
jonpsy: use Hack, it is a good font, much nicer than what you can get in Windows
shrit[m]: I can sense you have a strong distate towards Windows :))
* I can sense you have a strong distaste towards Windows :))
shrit[m]: Still using Fira Code, maybe I should switch.
@marcusedel:matrix.org all other projects build fine just this one is giving error
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yugansharora01yu: I see, but I can see it builds `mlpack_catch_test.exe` which is the replacement for `boost::unit_test`, so something happened in between because `boost::unit_test` was removed in favor of `catch2`.
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So either you build an mlpack from a specific commit, because at some point between versions we supported catch and boost unit test, or you use some old CMake file to build a newer mlpack version.
Any idea what should i do?
Like you use the CMake config from some stable version to build the master branch.
for armadillo i ran this command cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DBLAS_LIBRARY:FILEPATH="D:/dev/mlpack/packages/OpenBLAS." -DLAPACK_LIBRARY:FILEPATH="C:/dev/mlpack/packages/OpenBLAS." ..
for mlpack cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DBLAS_LIBRARIES:FILEPATH="C:/dev/mlpack/packages/OpenBLAS." -DLAPACK_LIBRARIES:FILEPATH="C:/dev/mlpack/packages/OpenBLAS." -DARMADILLO_INCLUDE_DIR="C:/dev/mlpack/armadillo/include" -DARMADILLO_LIBRARY:FILEPATH="C:/dev/mlpack/armadillo/build/Debug/armadillo.lib"
zoq[m]: And use `cmake -DDOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES=ON ..` instead of the previous command line.
heisenbuugGopiMT: I use brave
We need CLI for browsing...
there are
zoq[m]: The make step is the same.
Even i tried it
Have you tried them?
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still I have never found a solution for browsing with limited resources
Somehow firefox and brave were giving me DRM issues when I was using sites like udemy
probably because the web it bloated
Chrome is kinda dominating the space and somehow they are not thinking about optimization...
One request pls , can i do it tomorrow pls
Its night time now
Integrate more ram in your laptop to resolve all issues, today we need at least 10 GB or ram in any working device
yugansharora01yu: Sure, you are also welcome to join our mlpack meeting 17 UTC tomorrow.
They are pushing us to do that without letting us utilize the full power of existing hardware...
It's same with high end android phones...
How can i join? And also i dont know anything so should i join it??
Samsung makes it soo hard for users to root their phones
Just use Open source phone
What are options other than android for phones?
I have no idea about this space...
yugansharora01yu: Don't feel obligated, just wanted to point you that we have a meeting tomorrow (see the details in the "Video Meetup" section on https://www.mlpack.org/community.html).
heisenbuugGopiMT: I totally agree; here's an interesting video from LTT on daily driving Linux from a windows users perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0506yDSgU7M
f/mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/cf/ncf_main.cpp:35:18: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘(’ token
any idea about this error?
say4n[m]: Sup about that?
I know that AMD's been destroying NVidia and Intel
jonpsy[m]: just came across news about Pytorch working on supporting the M1 lineup of SoCs, so was wondering if they finished their work on bringing torch to AMD GPUs. :p
Oh... sounds cool. Would be nice to see GPU support that's not Nvidia. GPU has become synonymous to NVidia and not many people like that
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Hey @zoq I have some doubts regarding NCF.
I think I need to rewrite the binding...
The names of the function we have now and how its structured now is pretty different from what we had eairlier.
Like we are currently using `void BINDING_FUNCTION` but earlier we were maybe using `mlpackMain()`
heisenbuug (Gopi M Tatiraju): the NFC code is old, so do not hesitate in adapting what ever needed to bring back the feature and we can merge it soon.
Yea, never written bindings before, so I guess this will be interesting.
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Can you try arma::uword and see if it works. Just trying to isolate the possibilities...
Instead of unsigned int
already tried in a different code,
hm, same error?
gave the same results
you can try just copy the code directly
aight, now that im awake. Lets debug this
shrit: isn't it tested but maybe under a different name in `metric_test.cpp`? also, my suggestion was just to call `arma::norm()` directly 👍️
same eror with arma::norm directly
I think it is from armadillo side
ok, so it works with `arma::vec` and fails only with `uvec`
only works with double
double/float too i guess
so basically its getting template substitution'd out
yeah, my guess is that Conrad restricted to using only float/double because he could call directly to LAPACK
(or really BLAS)
norm could be defined for integer types, but the return value would still be floating-point since there could be a sqrt (or other-based root) involved
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<rcurtin[m]> "yeah, my guess is that Conrad..." <- this makes sense because `arma::is_blas_type` also has the same SFINAE
hmm, okay, in this case, when the norm is used, we need to convert the type to float
I do think it's worth opening an issue
why not casting the return type to whatever is the input type?
even if we do, in the end, need to convert to float
jonpsy: sorry, maybe I misunderstood---I thought the code from lines 1-3 that you wrote simply did not compile?
👍️ got it
yep, im talking of an hypothetical case
i.e. if uvec was allowed and the answers were casted down to input type
when I suggest opening an issue, it's more about whether arma::norm should allow uvec at all---personally, I think it should, and if we put the idea in front of Conrad, we can see what he thinks
<rcurtin[m]> "norm could be defined for..." <- basically elaborating your point
I, for one, stand in disagreement. But I think Conrad would be a better judge
yeah, in the worst case, we can use `conv_to` internally if needed 👍️
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jonpsy: Yeah, the main issue with this is that it breaks the logic behind the usage of template for this case and limits a large number of cases, In addition, to add an additional step for the user that is not the same necessary, I opened an issue let us see the reason behind it
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