rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
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<Guest57> #pragma message: mlpack was compiled with OpenMP support, but you are compiling without OpenMP support. This will almost certainly cause irreparable disaster. Either enable OpenMP support in your application (e.g., add -fopenmp to your compiler command line), or, recompile mlpack *without* OpenMP support.
<Guest57> I am not able to compile my mlpack code..this error is coming
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<SuvarshaChennare> CMake Error at C:/cmake-3.21.2-windows-x86_64/share/cmake-3.21/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/c8fd77f4786001153ed80c409221a2582192608f)
<SuvarshaChennare> sorry for bothering everyone
<SuvarshaChennare> but
<SuvarshaChennare> I did not get this error the last time I built it (which was a week ago)
<SuvarshaChennare> do I have to manually download cereal?
<shrit[m]> what version of mlpack are you using?
<SuvarshaChennare> I fetched the repo from GitHub
<SuvarshaChennare> master branch
<SuvarshaChennare> Ahh nice
<SuvarshaChennare> I have successfully built it
<SuvarshaChennare> I had to manually download cereal tho
<zoq[m]> SuvarshaChennareddy (SuvarshaChennareddy): This is because the auto-downloader is now off by default.
<zoq[m]> You could use `cmake -DDOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES=ON ..`
<SuvarshaChennare> oh I see
<SuvarshaChennare> I will try doing that
<SuvarshaChennare> Thank you!
<rcurtin[m]> boost::spirit is gone! 🎉 🎉 awesome job heisenbuug (Gopi M Tatiraju) and shrit ! I'm very excited about this, and wonder if we'll see build time improvements from that (I think we should, but I don't know how much)
<rcurtin[m]> (enjoy the confetti, anyone who is using element as a chat client 😄)
<SuvarshaChennare> im getting an error when i try to build the perceptron project individually
<SuvarshaChennare> s/an/errors/, s/error//
<shrit[m]> it is not able to find blas
<SuvarshaChennare> @shrit:matrix.org i downloaded OpenBlas
<zoq[m]> <SuvarshaChennare> "im getting an error when i try..." <- What do you mean by that, with `make mlpack_perceptron`?
<SuvarshaChennare> s/an/errors/, s/error//
<SuvarshaChennare> s/an/errors/, s/error//
<SuvarshaChennare> yes
<zoq[m]> if you run just `make` that is fine?
<shrit[m]> did you build armadillo?
<SuvarshaChennare> > did you build armadillo?
<SuvarshaChennare> yes
<SuvarshaChennare> > if you run just `make` that is fine?
<SuvarshaChennare> havent tried cuz it will take a huge amount of time... but built the random forest project just fine
<zoq[m]> Do you think you can use the auto-down loader to install the dependencies?
<zoq[m]> s/down/downloader/, s/loader//
<SuvarshaChennare> > Do you think you can use the auto-downloader to install the dependencies?
<SuvarshaChennare> i have done that
<zoq[m]> Hm, wondering if we don't link against mlpack.dll/armadillo.dll correctly if we build individual executables.
<SuvarshaChennare> > You could use `cmake -DDOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES=ON ..`
<SuvarshaChennare> I have done what you told me to
<zoq[m]> I can't look into this right now, but i can take a look later today; unless someone else has an idea how to fix this.
<shrit[m]> try to do make
<SuvarshaChennare> > I can't look into this right now, but i can take a look later today; unless someone else has an idea how to fix this.
<SuvarshaChennare> its fine
<shrit[m]> even if it takes a long time
<shrit[m]> because I can not see how this individual issue is not reproduced with others
<shrit[m]> zoq[m]: not sure it passed the CI
<shrit[m]> * not sure, it, * the CI, so the issue is not on all Windows machines
<SuvarshaChennare> ok i will try later
<SuvarshaChennare> thanks for the help!
<SuvarshaChennare> CMake Warning:
<SuvarshaChennare> Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:
<SuvarshaChennare> LAPACK_LIBRARY
<SuvarshaChennare> BLAS_LIBRARY
<SuvarshaChennare> it did give me this warning
<shrit[m]> You are using OpenBLAS
<shrit[m]> But these libraries are not manually specified
<SuvarshaChennare> yes
<SuvarshaChennare> so should I try building all 63 projects at once?
<shrit[m]> yes
<SuvarshaChennare> ok
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