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< rcurtin> KimSangYeon-DGU: ok, I checked, the log generation does appear to be fixed now. let me know if there are any other problems :)
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< rcurtin> zoq: ShikharJ: I filled out the whole GSoC application. take a look and let me know if you have any comments on it. I couldn't think of any good proposal tags...
< rcurtin> (and I'm not totally sure what that means either)
< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Cool, thanks for adding me. It's an honor :)
< ShikharJ> "Enter tags that students can select (one) from and apply to their own proposals to help organize them. Examples: New Feature, Optimization."
< ShikharJ> Maybe this applies to the proposal suggestions that we have put up. Some being new features, whereas some like profiling for parallelization being optimization based.
< rcurtin> that makes sense---if you want to add a few, feel free. I guess I am not sure which ones to add though
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< tesseract28> Hello again, I noticed thee Reeinfircement idea has been moved to
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< tesseract28> Hello again, I noticed the Reinforcement learning has been moved to OldSummerOfCodeIdeas. I was planning on applying for it. Any strong reason it was removed from this year's primary ideas?
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< picklerick> @rcurtin as you suggested i was working on naiye bayes classifer for #1565 this error came up :: Parameter '--output' does not exist in this program.
< picklerick> unknown location(0): fatal error: in "NBCMainTest/NBCOutputDimensionTest": std::runtime_error: fatal error; see Log::Fatal output
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #205: UNSTABLE in 4 hr 13 min:
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< ayesdie> In the Particle Swarm Optimization(Ideas for gsoc), the links seems outdated(should link to ensmallen).
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< aravind> JOIN
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< riaash04> Hi, I am interested in the neuroevolution and augmenting topologies project and have studied the literature. I could not find any open issues related to it. Could anyone please suggest some issues or further literature to study? Thanks in advance!
< rcurtin> riaash04: I think there are some (old) open PRs for NEAT and HyperNEAT that never got merged because they still needed a bunch of work. That might be a place to look
< rcurtin> (I don't know the eact status of those PRs, that is just what I remember. If you look at the list of PRs these are on the second or third page, I think last updated in late 2016?)
< riaash04> ok, thanks a lot
< rcurtin> sure, happy to help :)
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< zoq> rcurtin: Ryan's board, looks like a simple/neat idea.
< rcurtin> yeah, I am hoping this might help me organize what I am doing a bit
< rcurtin> I used to just flag emails as they came in but this doesn't scale well since that's just a single bit of information
< rcurtin> (i.e. flagged email means that I need to do something with it, but there's no more nuance than that)
< rcurtin> I know the project boards support some automation, but I don't have any set up right now. I will have to play with that and see how it works
< zoq> looks promising so far, might give this a shot too
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< zoq> rcurtin: Really like the resource-constrained device idea, I do have some(5) VoCore's first generation. Ultimate goal would be esp8266 :)
< rcurtin> esp8266 would be crazy :)
< rcurtin> I thought I might buy a VoCore and set it up for the student, then mail it to them at the end of the summer :)
< zoq> Great idea, what about the 386 :)
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< zoq> ayesdie: Thanks for the info, updated.
< rcurtin> zoq: I will keep the 386, I still have to beat Prince of Persia on it :)