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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#542 (master - a215b1b : marcus): The build was fixed.
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< zoq> no way, the build was fixed
< rcurtin> :)
< rcurtin> probably only a matter of time before one of the probabilistic tests fails and needs to have its tolerances widened :)
< kirizaki> Hi
< kirizaki> mlpack::backtrace ready to pull
< kirizaki> it took so much time T_T sry for that
< kirizaki> I Can start migrating to Windows with mlpack
< kirizaki> and then work with backtrace there
< kirizaki> or maybe first keep on working with OS X? as I remember @zoq You could help with it? :P
< rcurtin> kirizaki: busy at the moment but I'll take a look at the PR by the end of the day :)
< rcurtin> I think a good idea is just to get the backtrace support working on Linux for now and then we can expand the support from there
< zoq> kirizaki: Hello, no need to be sorry, good things take time :). I guess I can test your code in the next days, if you like I could also provide remote access to a machine with OS X
< kirizaki> remote desktop could be great but I don't know how to move in OS xD
< kirizaki> rcurtin: no problem, no need to rush
< rcurtin> I talked to the sysadmin for our lab at Symantec today, he said he heard back from the network guys, so maybe the new build server will be publicly accessible soon...
< rcurtin> (my guess: a few months? nobody moves fast in this company)
< zoq> oh, okay, but that is at least some progress in a good direction
< rcurtin> yeah, finally... after four months of pestering...
< kirizaki> server for what if I can ask? :P
< rcurtin> it's a replacement for this:
< rcurtin> it's a Jenkins server that will run all kinds of different configurations of builds
< rcurtin> the new one has 72 cores, I think 256GB or 512GB of RAM, a bunch of SSDs... bleeding edge
< rcurtin> I said "I just need a few old boxes you have laying around", but they said "no, we'll buy you a nice new one", so, this is what we ended up with
< rcurtin> I have no complaints :)
< kirizaki> huh
< kirizaki> don't know what to say... :P
< kirizaki> hahah, this photoxD
< kirizaki> I believe that there is nice Aircondition ;)
< rcurtin> yeah, the AC was always on in that lab... that stack of machines put out a lot of heat
< kirizaki> but even with AC, the temperatures of those "boxes" are not too high?
< kirizaki> stacked one by one xD
< rcurtin> nah, airflow goes front to back not top to bottom, so there was no issue, even when they were all building at once :)
< rcurtin> I think maybe it got a bit warm for the guy who sat next to them, but... oh well :)
< kirizaki> travis don't want to build my PR but I think why... I didn't try to compile mlpack with DEBUG=OFF
< kirizaki> yup, thats it
< kirizaki> I put #ifdef HAS_BFD_DL in wrong place
< rcurtin> oops :) travis is nice for finding issues like this
< rcurtin> the jenkins build server is nice too, but it isn't integrated with github in the same way (I think we can set that up, but with travis I'm not sure there's much need)
< rcurtin> the nightly matrix build is much more useful for jenkins... test with every configuration of armadillo and with every configuration of boost
< rcurtin> on multiple architectures too
< kirizaki> yup, that's true, it's realy helpful
< kirizaki> I will cancel this PR and create new after I finish building with DEBUG=OFF
< kirizaki> maybe something else will come out xD
< rcurtin> :)
< kirizaki> btw.
< kirizaki> for remote desktop from windows 8.1 to linux mint [ubuntu/debian] what tool do You prefer?
< rcurtin> I dunno, I always do it the other way around... I use debian desktop then rdesktop to connect to windows :)
< zoq> I guess teamviewer works on almost every system. But, maybe you don't need the gui? In this case just use the console :)
< kirizaki> yes, teamviewer do the job
< kirizaki> I'm out, bye!
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#545 (master - 7a77a14 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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