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< jamesjohnson92> hi
< jamesjohnson92> I was facing an error while generating documentation with doxygen. I discussed the same issue previously with rcurtin,he came up with few suggestions and i tried all those , but didn't work
< jamesjohnson92> is there any alternative way to fix this issue? Please help me. Its difficult to learn without a documentation. Thank you
< jamesjohnson92> The reason is
< jamesjohnson92> error: Could not open file /home/jamesjohnson92/Test/mlpack/doc/man/man3/mlpack_ann_LayerTraits_ ConvLayer_ OptimizerType,WeightInitRule,ForwardConvolutionRule,BackwardConvolutionRule,GradientConvolutionRule,InputDataType,OutputDataType _ _.3 for writing
< jamesjohnson92> My machine is ubuntu15.04
< jamesjohnson92> doxygen version is 1.8.12
< rcurtin> jamesjohnson92: unfortunately I'm about to step out for lunch! I'll be back in about an hour or more though
< rcurtin> have you considered using the doxygen documentation available on
< rcurtin> that's the doxygen documentation, compiled nightly, for the git master branch
< rcurtin> anyway, I will be back later and try to help out then
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< jerone> Hi, is it possible to do batch processing with mlpack? Specifically, I have several datasets that I'd like to process using the DET. I'd like to batch process the datasets and print the densities of the training sets and the testing sets to a txt file. Is this possible, if so could you please help me?
< jerone> If my connected disconnects, I'll be sure to read irc log to see any answers. Thank you in advance.
< jerone> connection*
< rcurtin> jerone: why not just use a bash script to do it?
< rcurtin> something like
< rcurtin> for i in dataset1.csv dataset2.csv dataset3.csv dataset4.csv ... ; do mlpack_det -i $i --other_option1 --other_option2 ... ; done
< jerone> Thank you, I will give that a go!
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